Invincible Season 1 Ending Explained

Invincible Season 1 Ending Explained

Warning: SPOILERS for Invincible season 1

The end of Invincible season 1 features a violent battle between Invincible and Omni-Man; here’s what happens after the fight and how it sets up Invincible season 2. Robert Kirkman’s beloved superhero comic ended in 2018 after 144 issues, but it received a brand new adaptation thanks to Amazon Prime Video. Kirkman spearheaded updating Invincible‘s story for the animated series, which contained eight episodes in its first season.

Invincible follows the story of Mark Grayson (Steven Yeun) as he gets superpowers and must figure out how to juggle being a superhero and a teenager. This involved Mark taking on the Invincible name and using his powers to stop local criminals, major Earth-based villains, and some cosmic missions. However, Mark and Earth’s biggest threat is his father, Nolan Grayson aka Omni-Man (J.K. Simmons). He killed the Guardians of the Globe at the end of the first episode to kick off his plan to weaken Earth’s defenses for a takeover by his alien race, the Viltrumites. Omni-Man’s murderous tendencies were a secret to the world until the end of Invincible episode 7 when he killed The Immortal again, but this time it was live on television.

The cliffhanger ending set up a climactic showdown between Mark and Omni-Man in Invincible‘s finale, and the father-son brawl is even bigger and bloodier than it was in the comics. Omni-Man ensures the fight takes hundreds if not thousands of human lives to teach Mark a lesson about how unimportant their lives are. Although Mark tries to put up a fight at first, Omni-Man eventually overpowers him. Omni-Man nearly kills Mark but can’t make himself do it – and here’s what happens in the Invincible season 1 finale after this moment.

What Happens After Omni-Man and Invincible’s Fight

Invincible Season 1 Ending Explained

The fight between Invincible and Omni-Man ends with Mark left clinging to his life on top of a mountain. Omni-Man leaves Earth behind after almost killing his son. Mark is not able to move and requires Cecil Stedman and the Global Defense Agency to find him. Mark is put in one of their special hospitals and given time to recover. He and his mom, Debbie, eventually return home with the cover story that Nolan died in a neighborhood explosion. Mark is quickly greeted by Atom Eve, his best friend William, and his ex-girlfriend Amber – who he gets back together with. The Invincible season 1 finale sees Mark return to his superhero duties and meet up with Allen the Alien to discuss the future. Despite the tumultuous recent events, Mark is ready to be Invincible again.

Invincible and Omni-Man’s fight also leaves portions of Earth destroyed and sees the planet’s strongest protector no longer leave. The Guardians of the Globe help out with clean-up, and this is what finally makes them act like a team. Rex-Splode takes the lead in scrubbing their base of the last patch of blood Cecil left in their base from the murder of the original team. They begin training and helping each other, so they are better equipped to protect Earth the next time they’re called upon. Based on the number of villains the Invincible season 1 ending teased for next season, the Guardians of the Globe will be needed more than ever before.

Where Did Omni-Man Go?

Invincible season 1’s final episode leaves Omni-Man’s future in question. Once he determines that he can’t go through with killing Mark, Omni-Man flies away and leaves Earth behind. Some of the Viltrumite’s tears are left floating in space as he travels off the planet he’s called home for several years. But where is he going now? It is extremely rare for Viltrumites to defect and abandon their posts, so he won’t go back to be his people after this decision. In the Invincible comics, Omni-Man goes to a planet called Thraxa after he leaves Earth. This gives him time to think about what he’s done, whether he really agrees with the methods of Viltrumites, and start a new family with the local alien race.

The Coalition of Planets vs. Viltrum War Is Teased

Invincible getting ready to Punch Allen

Near the end of the Invincible season 1 finale, the show sets up one of the comic’s biggest wars between the Coalition of Planets and Viltrum. Allen the Alien returns to Earth and plans to tell Mark about a Viltrumite living on the planet, but he already knows about this obviously. Once Allen is brought up to speed on recent events, he mentions to Mark that Omni-Man abandoning his post could be the advantage the Coalition of Planets needs to defeat Viltrum. The Coalition of Planets is an intergalactic empire created to stand up to Viltrum’s conquest. Allen the Alien is one of its many warriors and will report his findings to the Coalition’s leaders so they can prepare their attack on the Viltrum empire.

The war between the Coalition of Planets and Viltrum is a major storyline in the comics. There is still a lot that happens in the source material before the war truly begins, so the show might not pay off this setup right away. Even if the Coalition of Planets vs. Viltrum war doesn’t happen in Invincible season 2, this season finale sets the stage for it to come down the road. There are even cameos from some important Viltrumites at the start of the episode during Omni-Man’s explanation of what Viltrum is really about, so those characters could pop up again next season.

How The Immortal Can Return (Again)

The Immotal laying on a bed in Invincible

There is also a quick tease in Invincible season 1’s ending that The Immortal will return from the dead again. The former leader of the original Guardians of the Globe has been killed by Omni-Man twice now. The Mauler Twins resurrected him the first time, but his body is now in possession of Cecil and the GDA. Doctors are shown operating on him, and the two halves of his body are being held together with machinery. The Immortal’s various superpowers allow him to be resurrected as long as all parts of his body are reattached in some fashion. Once he is fully healed again, The Immortal should rejoin the Guardians of the Globe if Invincible follows the comics.

Every Villain Teased To Return

The Invincible season 1 finale concluded with a montage of multiple villains that will return for future adventures with Mark. On Earth, the Mauler twins are put back in the GDA’s prison after blowing up their last lab. It also shows Doc Seismic is still alive and building an army of rock monsters underneath the Earth’s surface. The finale later returns to Titan’s story with Isotope by his side as they meet Mister Liu, an older man who can become a dragon. Liu is also the leader of the supervillain group known as The Order, which included Machine Head’s operations before Titan taking his spot. Additionally, the episode shows Cecil and DA Sinclair working together on an army of undead soldiers, possibly positioning them as villains for season 2.

There are also teases of threats not on Earth that will factor into Invincible‘s future. The Sequids are shown taking control of Mars after finding a host to survive with one of Earth’s astronauts. Meanwhile, the Flaxans are preparing for another invasion after rebounding from their presumed extinction at Omni-Man’s hand. Little do they know that Omni-Man is no longer on Earth. There is also a brief moment of some agents encountering Battle Beast in space. Battle Beast nearly killed Mark in their last encounter and presumably will return in season 2 in some capacity after this brief tease that he’s still part of the plans.

How Invincible’s Finale Sets Up Season 2

Invincible and Allen the alien talking on the moon

So where does the Invincible season 1 finale leave the story for season 2? As far as Mark’s story is concerned, he ends the season with plans to finish high school next. The final days of Mark’s high school career, his graduation, and going to college are parts of Mark’s personal story that Invincible can explore next. Getting back together with Amber will allow their relationship to continue and delay the possibility of Atom Eve and Mark starting a relationship. He’ll still have to process the events of Invincible‘s finale and the fight with his father, but this is what Mark should be dealing with in addition to his continued superhero career.

Meanwhile, Mark will likely be tested like never before in Invincible season 2. The absence of Omni-Man on Earth could lead to other Viltrumites coming to the planet to try and get Mark on their side. If the comics are any indication, Mark and the other Viltrumites won’t see eye-to-eye on Earth’s future. There is also a strong possibility that a reunion with Omni-Man could be in store, forcing Mark to confront their traumatic last encounter. As if that wasn’t enough, all of the villains teased in the Invincible season 1 finale should appear throughout season 2. If Mark is going to keep saving the day, he’ll certainly earn his Invincible name even more next season.