Warning! Contains Spoilers For Free Comic Book Day: Absolute Power: Special Edition #1!

Many DC superheroes are leery of working with the government, but few are as anti-establishment as Green Arrow – which is why it’s so disturbing seeing Green Arrow working under Amanda Waller, a shocking move that includes a sleek, militaristic redesign of his classic outfit. Oliver Queen’s dark update to his look signifies an uncertain new era for the Green Arrow, someone who has previously always fought against the status quo.

In Absolute Power #1 – the start of DC’s latest massive crossover story event – readers tour Amanda Waller’s new base of operations, the former Hall of Justice, now known as Hall of Order. It is here that readers get their first glimpse of Oliver Queen in his new role, and the outfit Ollie is wearing is immediately eye-catching.

One of DC’s most openly anti-authoritarian heroes siding with Amanda Waller and the government will alarm many readers, with his redesigned outfit communicating clearly that this is a very different version of the character than fans have become familiar with.

Comic book art: Green Arrow fights Merlyn face-to-face.


Green Arrow Accidentally Upgrades His Nemesis By Flipping His Own Origin

Green Arrow went through a major trauma when he was trapped on Starfish Island, and now, he’s forced his biggest villain to endure the same.

Oliver Queen Gets A Militaristic Redesign As Part Of His Dark New Era

Absolute Power: Special Edition #1 – Written By Mark Waid; Art By Mikel Janin; Color By Trish Mulvihill; Lettering by Ariana Maher

Amanda Waller (left) shakes hands with Green Arrow (right) in front of an exploding building.

In Absolute Power #1, as Clock King gives a tour of the Hall of Order to a new recruit, the pair see tons of things going on in Amanda Waller’s new base of operations. The most surprising is seeing Oliver Queen giving his advice on a mysterious structure that Amanda Waller is building. Notably, the hero is decked out in a militaristic task force suit, in a major change from Oliver’s regular look. Given his personality, it’s also a shocking departure from what Ollie is known for.

Green Arrow has always been about fighting against those in power, who use their power unjustly, yet now he’s seemingly become, essentially, one of Amanda Waller’s henchmen. Oliver Queen started his life as a selfish, rich brat who cared for nothing but his own entertainment and enjoyment. Had Oliver’s life taken a slightly different trajectory, he could have grown up to be a powerful, deeply corrupt man, one willing to do everything he could to hold onto power – and currently, fans fear Absolutely Power will offer a glimpse at the man he could’ve become.

Oliver’s New Suit Signifies His Rejection Of His Heroic Ideals

Green Arrow Sacrifices Everything For His Family

Green Arrow has been separated from his family members for years; in large part, due to the machinations of Amanda Waller. Now, in order to bring his family back together, Oliver has agreed to work with Waller. This is a dark stage in his life, but Oliver would do anything for his family, even supporting a monster like Waller, who represents everything that Oliver ordinarily stands against. His new costume is a dark reminder that Ollie is now just another foot solider in Waller’s army, supporting her war on superheroes, though Ollie can keep up the act remains to be determined.

Oliver has always tried to help the average citizen, either through his substantial fortune or through his vigilante activities. He’s even gone so far as to state that all billionaires are monsters, including his former self in that list. He’s even gone after Aquaman, calling him just as bad as any villain, for the simple fact that he’s the King of Atlantis. With all of this in mind, it is hard to imagine that Ollie would willingly serve Amanda Waller, who is nearly the perfect representation of government corruption. However, in order to save his family, Green Arrow appears set to do whatever is necessary.

Absolute Power: Special Edition #1 (2024)

DC's Trinity Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman;

  • Writer: Mark Waid
  • Artist: Mikel Janin
  • Colorist: Trish Mulvihill
  • Letterer: Ariana Maher
  • Cover Artist: Dan Mora