Zootopia+: 10 Things Fans Hope To See In The New Disney+ Show

Zootopia+: 10 Things Fans Hope To See In The New Disney+ Show

Disney recently announced a whole host of exciting new projects that will be coming to the popular streaming service, with several of Disney’s newer movies being the focus of new television shows. Zootopia is one of those movies that will be getting the television series treatment, and fans are certainly very excited about the possibilities.

The world of Zootopia is certainly very vibrant and open, with the potential for expansion really being a lot of fun. The movie introduced an amazing range of characters, all of which can be developed further in a television show set, and it has got fans excited about the possibilities of what could come next.

Officer Clawhauser

Zootopia+: 10 Things Fans Hope To See In The New Disney+ Show

With this show set to be focused on some of the supporting characters from Zootopia, Officer Clawhauser simply has to be one of them. He was a hilarious part of the movie, being a really loveable and funny character who just wanted to help and does his best.

Devoting an episode to this character would certainly be a wise decision on Disney’s behalf. He’s someone that audiences loved and the humor he brought was brilliant, plus he was a very caring character full of heart. With a big personality already created, it would be simple for Disney to make the most of that in this show.

Brand New Characters


Even though there are a lot of existing characters that can be fleshed out and showcased in more detail within this movie, it would be nice for the show to actually introduce some new characters as well. The world is so vast that the options really are endless for Disney when it comes to this show.

There are so many jobs that can be used as well, which could be equally as exciting and gripping as Judy becoming a police officer. Having new characters would make the show stand out, and could potentially lead to a sequel down the line.

More Family Focus

Carl in Zootopia

The Hopps family is clearly one with lots of personality and energy, which is shown in the scenes when Judy is at home. However, because she is such a focal point, her parents only really serve as supporting characters, adding some emotional depth to Judy’s character at various stages.

However, it would be nice to see the television show focus on them a little more. Potentially showing a flashback episode to link back to the movie, seeing how they reacted to what was happening at the time could be fun, as these two worried and caring parents did prove to be a hit with fans.

Relax With Yax


Yax is shown briefly in Zootopia, as the hippie character that owns The Mystic Spring Oasis. He’s a true free spirit and that would work well for an episode of this show, possibly showing how he goes about his personal business, or interacts with some of the people that visit him.

He was a very funny character, as he actually imparted with tons of knowledge, showing a great memory, despite the fact he doesn’t believe that he has one. While Yax was certainly memorable, he wasn’t highlighted too much, which is why putting him into this show to get a bigger role would be welcomed.

Gazelle’s Singing Career


One element of the show that has been revealed is that there will be some focus on one of Gazelles backing dancers, who was a tiger. This is certainly an interesting angle for the show to take, but it would also be wise to link Gazelle into this part of the show as well.

The singer was a fun character and was a real star within that world, so showcasing that more could be very interesting. Plus, adding more songs into this world certainly wouldn’t be a bad thing, considering how catchy Gazelle’s number is within the movie, being one of Disney’s most underrated songs.

The World Of Mr. Big

Mr. Big sitting in a chair on Zootopia

The character of Mr. Big was a hilarious one, with this clearly being a play on The Godfather and Scarface, and it’s one that was a lot of fun to see. The world that he works within is something that is touched on within the movie but not explored in massive detail.

However, it is clear they’re feared, but it’s also obvious he showcases great respect to those who help him. Focusing n him and his group of polar bears a little more could certainly make for a very funny episode, with more callbacks and nods to the classic gangster movies.

Finnick’s Story


Finnick is shown towards the start of Zootopia, as he is the character that hangs out with Nick Wilde as they work together to make as much money as possible. He acts like a baby, but then he turns out to be a major criminal, which is a fun twist, and showcasing him more could be a great avenue to take.

Fans enjoyed this character, and an episode looking at how he got started and some of the hustles he is able to pull off would be intriguing. Plus, this could be a way of getting Nick into the show, revealing how they managed to meet.

More Flash

Flash laughs at a joke in Disney's Zootopia

Flash is one of the characters that really shone brightly within Zootopia, with this character being absolutely hilarious. The slow-motion play on the fact that he’s a sloth worked brilliantly, and while he only had a supporting role in the movie, the television show should change all that.

It has been announced that Flash will be a focal point of the show, which is a great thing as he was such a popular part of the movie. Fans want to see more of his personal backstory and his personality, and of course, more great comedy.

Showing More Ecosystems


During Judy Hopps’ training scene, it is revealed that there are 12 different ecosystems within the city limits of Zootopia, and throughout the movie, they manage to travel to a couple of those, such as the rainforest area. However, there are tons that never get any attention at all.

This is something that Disney would be smart to change in the television show, as exploring more of these areas would open the world even further, which is what people want to see. Having different animals for the specific climate would be a lot of fun, and would certainly help keep the show fresh.

Judy & Nick


While it has been made clear that the television show is going to be focusing more on the supporting characters from Zootopia, that doesn’t mean that Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde shouldn’t be part of the show. They’re the two lead roles from the movie, and it’s fair to say that there will be an expectation for them to appear at some stage.

Even if it’s just a cameo role in a few episodes, fans want to see these two buddies and see how they’ve evolved since the movie ended. They had such fantastic chemistry on-screen and they did such a good job of carrying the movie, therefore it wouldn’t feel right to not have them involved.