Zootopia: 10 Memes That Perfectly Sum Up The Movie

After the release of Zootopia+ on Disney+, fans have finally had the chance to return to the world of Nick the hustler fox and Judy the bunny cop. After the surprise hit of the original Zootopia, it’s not a shock that fans have come to love the new series.Still, it isn’t enough for many fans, who are still yearning for more content. After all, Zootopia was an original take on the detective genre that dealt with some interesting themes and developed engaging characters in a family-friendly movie. So it’s no surprise that fans have made many memes that sum up Zootopia perfectly.

The Film’s Heavy Plot

Zootopia is one of the best Disney animal movies of all time, and it’s because the movie wasn’t afraid to tackle heavy themes. The movie helped to teach kids about politics and racism, while also making it much more palatable by portraying it all through the eyes of animals.

It would have been very easy to trip and make the plot a little too heavy for young viewers to really process, but the movie nailed its balance. Kids learned a lot, and parents were able to focus on the story’s theme and teach their kids essential lessons. It was brilliant writing.

Zootopia Needs A Sequel

While Zootopia has earned a Disney+ show, it isn’t exactly what fans have been waiting for. After all, the movie was a smash hit that perfectly set up a potential sequel. After all, more time exploring Nick and Judy’s time as police officers would have been a lot of fun.

Zootopia is an underrated animated film that deserves a sequel, but it has unfortunately been overlooked for years. Loyal fans will just have to wait a little while longer to see their favorite characters starring in a big-screen production again.

How Nick Cared For Judy

While it is not entirely explored in the movie, there are many fans who see Judy and Nick as love interests. After all, they spend a considerable amount of time together, and they have fun chemistry. Surprisingly, they bring out the best in each other.

Of course, Zootopia was unique among many Disney movies for avoiding a love story entirely. The story was much too focused on predator and prey conflicts to focus on that. Yet, it was still clear that Nick cared for Judy, even if it was only platonic love.

Nick’s Devastating Backstory

While Zootopia was a family-friendly film, it wasn’t afraid to portray one of the most emotional flashbacks in movies when it revealed Nick’s past. After all, as a fox, he didn’t have it easy. Though he was desperate to join the cub scouts, he was the only predator among them, and it didn’t end well.

Tormented by the other children, before being muzzled, Nick let the betrayal corrupt him. Determined to never let the world see him hurt, he played the part of the sly fox and the cunning trickster. It was completely tragic, and it made Nick incredibly sympathetic.

The First Bunny Cop

Predators and prey were driven to specific professions in Zootopia. After all, sloths were aligned with office jobs because of their slow movements and painfully delayed responses. It makes sense that the police officer profession would also be similarly split.

So, after decades of being fully staffed by predators, Judy Hopps becoming the first rabbit to join the police department also made her the first prey mammal on staff. Her role as the first prey animal on the force was an essential part of the film, and it’s why she was such a rogue cop.

Hatred Of Predators

Conflict between predators and prey were at the heart of Zootopia. After all, many predators looked down on prey animals as weaklings, while predators were viewed by prey animals as mad creatures with the aggressive potential to attack with only the slightest cause.

With predators in positions of power, despite being only 10% of the population, some prey animals like Judy and Dawn Bellwether, sought to equalize their power. Of course, Bellwether blamed all of her problems on predators, and it was why she was desperate to turn against them. While she was wrong, it was the driving force of the film.

Judy’s Stubbornness

One of the major comedic beats of Zootopia is Judy’s utter refusal to accept that she was adorable. After all, Judy is an unconventional Disney lead, as she was far from a princess or prince. Still, she was adorable enough to draw eyes, even if she wouldn’t admit it.

Judy is a brilliant character who struggles with her place as an adorable rabbit, just like Nick struggles with his role as the trickster fox. Both were things forced on them, which led to the same internal conflicts that were affecting everyone in Zootopia. With roles limited to their nature, people struggled to push past them and open themselves to new paths.

Zootopia Is An Underrated Movie

Because other movies were such hits, Zootopia has unfortunately fallen to the wayside. It’s fairly common for Disney and Disney fans alike to completely forget that Zootopia ever even released. Yet the movie deserves as much attention as Frozen had.

Zootopia was a Disney movie that broke away from fairytale formula. Using anthropomorphic animals to engage younger viewers in essential lessons was a stroke of brilliance, and it helped to make the messages of the film completely understandable to a huge audience.

It’s Surprisingly Deep

More than just a movie made to address political differences and discrimination, Zootopia also addressed social issues and psychology. After all, Judy and Nick both responded to societal prejudice in very different ways, and it was largely due to psychological differences.

Where Judy chose to protest against societal expectations by charging forward to become the first bunny cop, Nick gave into those same expectations. He accepted the role of the sly hustler. It’s a brilliant psychological exploration, because it shows just how different people will respond to social prejudice differently.

How Judy Outfoxes The Fox

The movie also emphasized just how different every individual can be. After all, Judy was never afraid to give into fox expectations, despite the fact that she was both a bunny and a cop. To encourage Nick to change, she decided to hustle him.

It was genuinely funny after viewers watched Nick hustle people relentlessly. It’s also pretty hilarious to see a character being blackmailed about tax fraud in a Disney movie about talking animals. Nick may have been destroyed by it, but it also showed just how unique the movie was.