ZeniMax’s Board Of Directors Has Been Dissolved Following Xbox Buyout

ZeniMax’s Board Of Directors Has Been Dissolved Following Xbox Buyout

Following Bethesda‘s acquisition by Xbox, ZeniMax Media’s board of directors has dissolved. The was expected since Microsoft now owns all creative and financial control of ZeniMax’s properties. Xbox’s $7.5 billion buyout of Zenimax is the second largest in video game history and adds eight game development companies to Xbox Game Studios. Bethesda had announced during the roundtable discussion with Xbox that two new games are in development at two of its newest studios acquired before the buyout.

ZeniMax’s board of directors was comprised of executives and celebrities from different facets of the entertainment industry. Members included Pirates of the Caribbean producer Jerry Bruckheimer, former ZeniMax president Ernest Del, former MGM CEO Harry Sloan, former CBS CEO Leslie Moonves, former MLB “iron man” Cal Ripken Jr., and private equity executive Michael Dominguez. Former President Trump’s brother Robert Trump served the board before his passing in 2020.

Gamespot‘s report said that Pete Hines, senior vice president of global marketing and communications at Bethesda, told the publication of the board’s dissolving through an email. Since joining ZeniMax, several board members have gone on to other projects. For instance, Bruckheimer is now on mobile gaming company Skillz’s board of directors. Ripken Jr. has joined Draft Kings’ board of directors as a special advisor, and Dominguez is president and CEO of ALHI.

ZeniMax’s Board Of Directors Has Been Dissolved Following Xbox Buyout

As part of the board of directors, the executives advised the company away from taking any deals relating to movies or television and Bethesda’s game properties. Hines said that under their guidance, the company rejected multiple offers using the Elder Scrolls and Fallout properties to create movies or shows. Hines had cited that the company rejected previous deals due to fears of a poor portrayal of the properties by people unfamiliar with its franchises. However, this stance appeared to change based on the recent announcement of a Fallout TV show from Amazon Studios.

Bethesda opting to forgo TV and movies is not a wrong decision. Video game movies are good at best and insufferable at their worst, as evidenced by last year’s Sonic The Hedgehog and Monster Hunter, respectively. It is hard to argue with a board of entertainment executives when Ron Perlman runs around with blonde, wet anime hair using a Switch Axe the wrong way. If anything, fans have them to thank for no CGI dragons getting shouted at by Milla Jovovich in an army tank. Still, the decision to dissolve ZeniMax’s board, though expected, should have some interesting repercussions for the future of Bethesda.