Zelda X Final Fantasy & More Crossovers Players Want Revealed In Study

Zelda X Final Fantasy & More Crossovers Players Want Revealed In Study

A recent survey reveals the video game crossovers players are most eager to see, including The Legend of Zelda meets Final Fantasy. The two classic fantasy franchises, despite featuring very different gameplay, have left an unmistakable mark on the video game industry. As it turns out, there’s high demand for crossover like this one and more, and they get much, much more bizarre than many would guess.

Video game franchise crossovers have become increasingly common, with some games like Super Smash Bros. and Heroes of the Storm being based entirely on the concept. One particularly popular Nintendo series, Animal Crossing, is well-known for featuring crossovers with other Nintendo games. The series’ 2012 installment, New Leaf, featured villagers from a number of Nintendo franchises, including The Legend of Zelda. The newest installment in the series, New Horizons, most recently featured items and outfits from the iconic Mario franchise. While these internal crossovers are always popular and welcome, many players desire much more ambitious crossovers between different companies, and even genres.

Gaming site OnlineRoulette.Org recently surveyed nearly 1,000 gamers about what video game franchises they would be most excited to see cross over (thanks, Dexerto). Artists were then commissioned to illustrate what exactly these crossovers would look like in reality. Some notable franchises that fans expressed interest in seeing collide are The Legend of Zelda and Final FantasyMario Kart and Need for SpeedMortal Kombat and WWE, and Call of Duty and DOOM.

Zelda X Final Fantasy & More Crossovers Players Want Revealed In Study

Video game crossovers have become increasingly common recently, with some games becoming heavily reliant upon their cross-promotional marketing potential. Fortnite has become almost synonymous with pop culture crossovers, reaching across film, comics, and gaming. Recent leaks suggest that comic book warrior Slade Wilson, better known as the one-eyed assassin Deathstroke, will be the next big character to join the action, following Teen Titans‘ Beast Boy. Multiplayer survival horror game Dead by Daylight, also known for its marketing emphasis on crossovers, has also built up a large roster of characters with different horror franchise backgrounds. Notable crossovers include Left 4 Dead, Resident Evil, and Halloween, but some rumors suggest that the game’s next terrifying crossover will be with none other than the classic Scooby-Doo franchise.

Video game crossovers are always very exciting, as they allow gamers’ imaginations to come to life in an official, tangible capacity. Many fans long imagined how a fight between Mario and Sonic would play out, but games like Super Smash Bros. allow epic confrontations like this to not only happen, but allow players’ total control. OnlinerRoulette.Org‘s survey demonstrates the popularity of crossovers while providing an interesting look at which franchises would fit together the best.