Zelda: BOTW 2 Release Date, Name & More Revealed In Ridiculous ‘Leak’

The Nintendo rumors and “leaks” seem to be showing no sign of stopping, as the latest rumor states the name for the currently unnamed The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2. However, the legitimacy of this leak is laughable even by the standards of leaks.

Generally, leaks are meant to be taken with a grain of salt. Even those that could look as though they’re extremely legitimate could just turn out to be really well crafted. One of the most well-known examples is Artsy Omni’s Rayman leak from Super Smash Bros. For 3DS and Wii U. The leak looked extremely convincing, but Artsy Omni revealed that it was a leak that he crafted. There have also been several leaks for PlayStation 5 games that have been outed as a fake.

This leak, posted by Twitter user Gothalion, is of a familiar format that has been posted before: an “Internal Use Only” document that details “first party softwar [sic]” to be announced in an upcoming Nintendo Direct. This list has several huge hitters for 2021, which makes it seem way too good to be true. These include Breath of the Wild 2, which is titled The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of the Past, as well as Super Mario Odyssey 2 and Splatoon 3. The list also includes another Fire Emblem remake, a Metroid Resurgence, Mario Kart 9Bayonetta 3, and the Switch Pro, which the Final Fantasy VII Remake would be included on. If all of these games were somehow real, it would make 2021 to be an extremely stacked year for Nintendo, which is all the more reason why this is laughably fake. Not to mention it’s awfully convenient that these “internal use” documents always somehow get “leaked.”

This “leak” is surprisingly similar to another recent leak that includes a lot of the same titles. Mainly, Breath of the Wild 2, Metroid, Splatoon, and Fire Emblem. Though like this leak, the basis of its legitimacy is very questionable, with it being based only on pictures. While it could be argued that the similarities between both leaks enhance their validity, it’s more likely that the similarities are entirely coincidental.

Whether these leaks are real or not, it’s always important to look at leaks with a grain of salt. There have been some cases where some of these types of leaks were later proven real, but most of these cases are low effort attempts to gain internet clout. It’s also currently unknown when or if Nintendo will have another true Direct instead of just a Direct Mini. But if for whatever crazy reason this Nintendo “leak” was miraculously real, and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2 was fully unveiled, Nintendo fans would be set for all of 2021.