Zack Snyder Reveals 3 Projects He’s Working On After Army of the Dead

Zack Snyder Reveals 3 Projects He’s Working On After Army of the Dead

Director Zack Snyder has revealed the next three projects he’ll be working on after his Netflix zombie film Army of the Dead is completed. Snyder confirmed that he was working on Army of the Dead earlier this year. It’ll be the first film he’s directed since he stepped down from Justice League during post-production after the tragic death of his daughter.

The zombie heist film has been a long time coming, having been penned by Snyder back in 2007 before it got stuck in development hell for more than a decade. Now with Netflix at the helm, it’s full steam ahead – star Dave Bautista’s casting was confirmed last month, and Snyder has recruited a few crew members he’s worked with before on films, including Sucker Punch, Justice League and Batman V Superman. It seems as though working on Army of the Dead has gotten Snyder back into the swing of things because he’s already planning what’s in store for him next, even though his zombie movie hasn’t started filming yet.

In an exclusive interview with Comic Book Debate, Snyder confirmed that after Army of the Dead he’ll be working on an adaptation of Ayn Rand’s controversial novel The Fountainhead and war movie The Last Photograph. He’s also considering a script penned by a screenwriter friend of his for a movie about Napoleon done “in the form of Scarface” that Snyder thinks is “fucking awesome.”

Zack Snyder Reveals 3 Projects He’s Working On After Army of the Dead

Snyder also revealed that The Fountainhead won’t be a movie adaptation as previously reported, but a TV series instead. According to the interview, Snyder has wanted to adapt Rand’s book for years. Published in 1943, The Fountainhead tells the tale of an individualistic young architect named Howard Roark who refuses to compromise his modernist style in the face of resistance from the more traditionally focused architectural establishments. It was first adapted for the screen back in 1949 in a movie starring Gary Cooper and Patricia Neal, and like many of Rand’s works, it’s a favorite among right-wing thinkers. Although Snyder recognizes such a film could be a touchy subject at the moment, given the current political climate in the US, he’s not put off adapting something associated with right-wing politics:

“People will think it’s hardcore right-wing propaganda, but I don’t view it like that. I just think the story is super fun and crazy and melodramatic about architecture and sex … It’s about time we get a different president so we don’t take shit so seriously!”

Regarding The Last Photograph, Snyder has finished writing the script, which focuses on a war correspondent who survives an attack in Afghanistan and teams up with a special ops soldier. Like Army of the Dead, the war movie has been in the works for a long time too. Way back in 2011, Screen Rant reported that The Last Photograph was set to go into production after Snyder completed Man of Steel. Obviously, those plans never came to fruition, so it’s promising to hear the film hasn’t fallen by the wayside and is still in Snyder’s sights. In the meantime though, we’ll have to make due with Army of the Dead, which is expected to be released sometime in 2020.