Yu-Gi-Oh! Anime Cards Too Strange For The Real Game

Yu-Gi-Oh! Anime Cards Too Strange For The Real Game

The Yu-Gi-Oh! anime has seen plenty of unusual cards through the years, and some are just too strange to ever be used in the real card game. Sometimes it’s so that the protagonist has a card to use in one very specific duel, and other times it was to make a unique deck for a one-off character. Whatever the case, cards in the anime are a rather fascinating phenomenon.

Sometimes though, anime cards can be so bizarre that the viewer really has to wonder how they could even be viable. Either the effects make no sense, or it feels like they would be impossible to incorporate into a real duel. Indeed, that happened to be the case with some cards. They stayed in the anime because there was no way for them to work outside of the anime. While there are some cards in real life that are absurd enough to be forbidden by Yu-Gi-Oh’s ban list, these anime cards stand out for a different reason.

Some of the cards featured in the Yu-Gi-Oh! anime are so bizarre that they need a rather detailed explanation in order for one to realize how they’re supposed to even function in the game. Even with that, sometimes the only real explanation is that the anime has its own rules, and those rules are much more malleable than the real-life game. There are a few cards that require a special examination, if only so that one can see just how bizarre the anime’s duels can be sometimes.

Weird Yu-Gi-Oh! Anime Cards – Deuce Turns Duels Into A Tennis Match

Yu-Gi-Oh! Anime Cards Too Strange For The Real Game

Deuce stands out as one of the most gimmicky cards to ever appear in the anime by a long shot. Its effect almost reminds one of one of Yami Yugi’s games from before Yu-Gi-Oh! was about the cards. It could only be activated if both players had exactly 1000 life points remaining, which is almost impossible to plan ahead of time. Once activated, it changes the rules of the duel so that each player can only attack with one monster each turn, and whoever manages to inflict damage to their opponent twice in a row without taking damage themselves instantly wins the duel.

It is clear that Deuce only exists because its user in the anime, Harrington, had a deck themed entirely around tennis, with anime-exclusive cards such as Giant Racket and Service Ace. However, Deuce stands on its own as being a card that completely changed how the duel worked. Deuce acts as Harrington’s final gambit once the duel turns against him, but protagonist Jaden took him down with an Elemental Hero combo. While there’s something to be said for building a deck around one’s favorite Yu-Gi-Oh! card, Deuce clearly wasn’t worth the effort.

Even discounting the fact that Deuce’s activation requirements are so strict that it would be virtually impossible to play organically, its effect is needlessly convoluted. It would likely be difficult to program into any of the Yu-Gi-Oh! games, not to mention cumbersome in a real-life duel. It also deserves mention that Harrison lost the duel the very turn after he played Deuce, which doesn’t paint a good picture for the card.

Strange Yu-Gi-Oh! Anime Cards – Ragnarok Devastated Yugi’s Deck

Ragnarok is basically Raigeki with a shocking cost.

Ragnarok is a card from the Yu-Gi-Oh! anime that could theoretically be made into a real card. It doesn’t bend the rules of the game, and the effect isn’t difficult to understand. Despite that, Ragnarok still manages to be so ridiculous that there is basically no chance of it being printed for real, especially since its sole appearance as a card in the Yu-Gi-Oh! anime was nearly two decades ago. However, its sole appearance was a spectacle that made it iconic. Ragnarok could only be activated if the user had two monsters from the Dark Magician archetype on the field. Once activated, it would banish every monster in the user’s hand, deck, and graveyard in exchange for destroying every monster on the opponent’s side of the field.

There are several eyebrow-raising things about this card. First, there is the question of why a card called Ragnarok that features Viking imagery in its artwork would require Dark Magician cards to use. Second, of course, is the astronomical cost of activating the card. Banishing every monster that the user owns outside of what they have on the field is utterly ludicrous, even for a good effect. At the time, recovering banished cards was still not a common gameplay mechanic, so all of those monsters would simply be gone. It’s a move that Yami Yugi’s terrifying original manga incarnation would be proud of.

Ragnarok was made to be a setpiece and nothing more. It created the admittedly cool image of Yami Marik’s Winged Dragon of Ra being spirited away by Yugi’s Obelisk and Slifer, and that’s all. Notably, the duel doesn’t even continue after this, because Marik’s good side regains control and immediately surrenders the duel. Ragnarok was created to end the Battle City arc, and that’s all.

Bizarre Yu-Gi-Oh Anime Cards – Bob Banter’s Game Show Deck Changes How Duels Work

Bob Banter is a contender for the weirdest deck in all of Yu-Gi-Oh!

The one-shot character Bob Banter from Yu-Gi-Oh! GX played what may be the single weirdest deck in the entire series. His game show deck completely changed the rules of the duel on a level not seen since the Paradox Brothers’ version of Labyrinth Wall. There was no duelist like Bob before or since, not even in the memorably weird Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V, and it’s hard to imagine what it would take to top his deck in terms of quirkiness.

Bob’s deck relies almost entirely on summoning his Quiz Panel monsters, which lay in face-down defense position until attacked by a monster or activated by one of his other cards. Each panel contains either a question the opponent must answer or a task they must perform. If they succeed, Bob takes damage, but if they fail, they lose their attacking monster and take the damage. From what the viewer is shown, Bob’s deck really has no strategy aside from using the Quiz Panels to eat away at the opponent’s life points. Considering that a few Quiz Panels have requirements such as saying a tongue twister or holding one’s breath for one minute, it only makes it harder to imagine this archetype getting printed. It’s a very quirky series, even featuring a Yu-Gi-Oh! Dragon Ball equivalent, but Bob’s deck stretches even this series’ believability.

Bob’s deck is definitely quirky, and it made for a memorable episode. However, it’s impossible to imagine his Quiz Panel cards coming to Yu-Gi-Oh proper. Almost every single card he’s shown using requires some element outside of normal gameplay, and outside of the handshake in Yu-Jo Friendship, that’s simply not something that Yu-Gi-Oh! does.

The Yu-Gi-Oh! anime is entertaining, and anime-exclusive decks and cards have played a part in that. However, it’s clear that some cards are best left in the anime, being watched by fans instead of awkwardly forced into a real duel. The world of the Yu-Gi-Oh! anime is the only place where these cards could or should exist.