Yu-Gi-Oh!: 10 Mistakes Joey Made With His Deck

Yu-Gi-Oh!: 10 Mistakes Joey Made With His Deck

Despite being seen as one of the greatest duelists on the original Yu-Gi-Oh! anime, Joey Wheeler really isn’t the best duelist out there. And that comes down to his deck composition. He’s got some great cards in his deck such as Jinzo, and then some real head scratchers that make no sense.

Perhaps if he took out a few of these cards and replaced them with better options, he would have won even more duels than he already did. Plot armor did a lot of saving for him, but he could have done a lot more on his own with a few changes here and there.

So Many Luck Cards

Yu-Gi-Oh!: 10 Mistakes Joey Made With His Deck

Sure, this was sort of Joey’s signature in the anime, but his deck was just filled up with luck cards that had no business being there. While the writers gave him some pretty good luck, it certainly wasn’t perfect. In the end, it backfired on him a few times, such as in his duel against Zigfried during the Grand Championship arc. Had he had a few less of these cards, he might have won in the end.

Insect Queen

Weevil Underwood Insect Queen Yu-Gi-Oh!

Joey used Insect Queen for a bit after winning it from Weevil… he shouldn’t have. It simply isn’t a good card in any deck, let alone one that doesn’t have any other insects in it. Insect Queen requires a tribute to declare an attack while also needing two tributes to summon in general. No monster should require that many resources. Joey used it rarely, but that should have been reduced to zero.

Low-Powered Monsters

Alligator's Sword in Yu-Gi-Oh!

On the topic of monsters, Joey used all sorts of monsters that didn’t have many attack points at all. Alligator’s Sword comes to mind, among other cards he packed such as Rocket Warrior and Tiny Guardian.

These cards were weak and had abilities that weren’t worth their statlines. However, Joey also used monsters that were weak and had no effect at all, which is an even more baffling pick than some of the others.

Normal Monsters

Joey Wheeler during a duel in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Normal monsters that had no effects were more common in the earlier days of Yu-Gi-Oh!, but they still shouldn’t have taken up as much space in Joey’s deck as they did. They contribute virtually nothing to the deck unless they support some sort of other card. Alligator’s Sword, why was that included? Baby Dragon? There were so many normal monsters that Joey used that he really shouldn’t have.

Not A Great Balance Of Spell And Traps

Joey Wheeler Pointy Chin Yu-Gi-Oh!

While this improved as the series went on, Joey mainly relied on his monsters for strength rather than spell or trap cards, which are just as important. Save for a Graceful Dice and Kunai with Chain here and there, Joey really didn’t fix this deck imbalance until later on in the series. It was at its most severe during the Duelist Kingdom arc, where it was literally pointed out in-universe.

Time Wizard Reliance

Time Wizard's Yu-Gi-Oh! card art

Time Wizard is a luck-based card, shockingly enough. After flipping a coin, if the player calls it right, the opponent’s monsters are all destroyed. If they’re wrong, their own monsters are destroyed, and they lose life points equal to half of the combined attack points.

This is terrible. There are cards like Raigeki and even the lower-powered Lightning Vortex that do this without the possibly enormous cost. Joey relied on this card a bit too much.

His Whole Duelist Kingdom Deck

Joey vs Yugi in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Overall, Joey’s whole Duelist Kingdom deck wasn’t very up to snuff. While he has a few good cards like Graverobber, all in all, it was just not that good, on both the monster and spell side of things. Of course, the power level among all duelists was lower in Duelist Kingdom, but that doesn’t excuse the fact that Joey had one of the worst decks of them all. He shouldn’t have won many of the duels that he did.

Not Keeping Hinotama & Raigeki

Joey vs Marik in Yu-Gi-Oh!

When Joey was possessed by Marik, he got a few cards that amplified his deck power. Namely, Hinotama and Raigeki. These cards would have actually really boosted the power of Joey’s Battle City deck. While they probably caused quite a few bad memories for little ol’ Joey, they might have helped him prevail against duelists like Kaiba in the finals. Not Marik, though. He obviously beat Marik.

The Landstar Crew

Swordsman of Landstar Yu-Gi-Oh!

Why did Joey like Swordsman of Landstar so much? It was a normal monster with only 500 attack points. While this was probably in his deck for Graceful Dice, it’s worthless once that card is no longer in effect. During the Grand Championship arc, he actually added new, anime-exclusive Landstar cards to his deck which also seemed to have no effect. Why? What was the point of using such bad cards? It made no sense.

Thousand Dragon

Thousand Dragon's card art in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Thousand Dragon is a card that Joey would use while Baby Dragon was on the field when Time Wizard’s effect was used successfully. Once again, not good. It had 2400 attack points and no effect. Why is this card needed? Tributes weren’t even needed on strong monsters when Joey used this card. Absolutely pointless.