“You’re Locked in Here with Me”: 1 Justice League Icon Earns Her Own Badass Watchmen Moment

“You’re Locked in Here with Me”: 1 Justice League Icon Earns Her Own Badass Watchmen Moment

Warning: Spoilers for Birds of Prey #5!

An iconic member of the Justice League gets a badass moment courtesy of Watchmen. Black Canary has proven herself as one of the most skilled members of the Justice League, often matching the power levels of some of DC’s most powerful superheroes. As she leads the Birds of Prey, though, she proves how dangerous she is against a Ragnarok-level god.

Black Canary shows off how she’s the ultimate badass, all while quoting one of Watchmen’s most memorable characters, in Birds of Prey #5 by Kelly Thompson and Arist Deyn. Up until this point, the series has concerned itself with Black Canary leading her team on a suicide mission of sorts to Themyscira, where her sister, Sin Lance, is being held.

“You’re Locked in Here with Me”: 1 Justice League Icon Earns Her Own Badass Watchmen Moment

Sin is being targeted by the god known as Megaera, determined to use Sin as a vessel for world destruction. Black Canary will do whatever it takes to protect her sister, including attacking a god — Rorschach style, as she quotes directly from the infamous Watchmen character.

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One Birds of Prey Member Outclasses Wonder Woman’s Fighting Skills

Wonder Woman is an incredibly gifted martial artist, but even she’s no match the Birds of Prey’s strongest fighter, Black Canary.

Justice League Icon Black Canary Quotes Rorschach as She Fights a God

Comic book panel: a man looks down with a caption box above his head.

An adult version of Maps Mizoguchi with a new hero identity travels back in time from the future warning the Birds of Prey of the apocalyptic aftermath that awaits if they don’t retrieve Sin from the island. The god refuses to be denied, and Megaera ingests Sin inside of her while keeping the Birds occupied with possessed Amazons. Megaera has yet to officially fulfill her prophecy by possessing Sin, though, so the fight isn’t over yet. As Megaera tries to convince Sin to let her in, Canary eventually finds her way inside the belly of the beast herself.

As Big Barda pries Megaera’s thorns open and Canary screams at it, Dinah forces her way inside Megaera. With the Lance sisters reunited, Dinah tells the monstrous god that things don’t look as bleak for the heroes as the villain might think. “As someone famous once said, I’m not locked in here with you – you’re locked in here with me,” she says right before belching a massive sonic blast at the beast. If that sounds familiar, that’s because the line is uttered in Watchmen (by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons) during Rorschach’s prison run-in with his fellow inmates, after one suggests he’s “pretty famous, right?”

Black Canary Shows Exactly Why She’s One of the Justice League’s Best

Comic book panels: Black Canary unleashes a sonic scream in yellow tones.

Echoing this quote emphasizes the same thing for her as it does for Rorschach when he first said it – nothing is scarier than a truly angry Black Canary. Repeatedly, an angry Dinah has pulled off some amazing feats in the past, including bringing Superman to his knees. People wouldn’t normally think “scary” when it comes to Black Canary, but the Justice League alum stares down a god and uses her power with all her might, fearlessly protecting her sister with her own brand of righteous anger.

Birds of Prey #5 is available now from DC Comics.

BIRDS OF PREY #5 (2023)

Birds of Prey 5 Main Cover: Black Canary and her sister Sin surrounded by a green monster with many hands.

  • Writer: Kelly Thompson
  • Artist: Arist Deyn
  • Letterer: Clayton Cowles
  • Cover Artist: Leonardo Romero, Jordie Bellaire