You’ll Never Believe How Many Times Star Wars Has Said One Phrase In Just Four Years

You’ll Never Believe How Many Times Star Wars Has Said One Phrase In Just Four Years

It is unbelievable how many times this one phrase has been said in Star Wars in the four years since its debut in The Mandalorian. There are a lot of catchphrases that have made it into Star Wars canon in the past 46 years. For example, “I’ve got a bad feeling about this” has been said so many times it would be difficult to count. However, with the introduction of The Mandalorian, a new catchphrase has made itself a staple.

This is the Way,” the Mandalorian Creed of Din Djarin’s tribe, has been used at least 23 times in The Mandalorian – with a few uses in The Book of Boba Fett as well. That is a lot of times to say one line in four years, especially given the fact that, until season 3, Din Djarin’s interactions with other Mandalorians were brief. Despite this, the catchphrase has been said in every single season of The Mandalorian, and it has even made its way into other Star Wars media, particularly The Book of Boba Fett. Here’s a look at every scenario in which the now-iconic Star Wars phrase has been used thus far.

You’ll Never Believe How Many Times Star Wars Has Said One Phrase In Just Four Years


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23 The Armorer Settles A Dispute

The Mandalorian Season 1, Episode 3 “Chapter 3: The Sin”

The Armorer in The Mandalorian.

When Paz Vizsla and Din Djarin fight after Paz accuses him of being a coward, the Armorer reminds them that no one can be a coward and walk the Way, ending with the iconic catchphrase the rest of the Mandalorians echo. This scene is important because it sets up the bitterness toward the Empire that the Mandalorians feel, which is a large part of why the covert chooses to take a stand with Din Djarin when he eventually goes back to rescue Grogu from the Imperials. It also establishes the comraderie that following the Way brings, as the two immediately stop fighting.

22 Paz Vizsla Sets Din Djarin On His Quest

The Mandalorian Season 1, Episode 3 “Chapter 3: The Sin”

Mando watches Paz Vizsla fly in The Mandalorian.

When Din Djarin tells Paz Vizsla during the fight with Greef Karga’s bounty hunters that they will have to relocate the covert, Paz replies, “This is the Way,” which Din Djarin echoes. This tells the audience something important about the Children of the Watch: they are used to relocating. This is unsurprising given the fact they must have migrated initially from the moon Concordia, but it is interesting since traditionally Mandalorians are very protective of their homeworld. This shows how much the Empire devastated the Mandalorian way of life.

21 Din Djarin Acknowledges His Past Hardships

The Mandalorian Season 1, Episode 4 “Chapter 4: Sanctuary”

When Din Djarin acknowledges his painful past as a foundling in a conversation with Sorgan farmer Omera, he gives a solemn, “This is the Way.” This moment is touching because it is Din Djarin honoring the people who saved his life. He repeats the lessons that they taught him – how to follow the Way – in remembrance and respect.

20 Twi’lek Mercenary Xi’an Mocks The Mandalorians

The Mandalorian Season 1, Episode 6 “Chapter 6: The Prisoner”

The Mandalorian Twi'lek

When the Twi’lek mercenary Xi’an mocks the Mandalorians, she says their phrase with sarcasm and an arm jokingly held across her chest. This shows her true character, as it is clear the Mandalorians take this phrase of their Creed with the utmost respect and seriousness. Xi’an can see that and uses what is important to her enemies to mock them, thus showing her ruthless nature.

19 Din Djarin Accepts His Warrior’s Death

The Mandalorian Season 1, Episode 8 “Chapter 8: Redemption”

IG-11 removes Din Djarin's helmet in The Mandalorian season 1 finale

When Din Djarin accepts his warrior’s death (which he is thankfully saved from) in The Mandalorian season 1 finale, he tells Cara Dune “This is the Way” while convincing her to leave him. This is an interesting moment, because it shows just how dedicated Din Djarin is to his Mandalorian Creed. Even when he is about to die, he reiterates his commitment to it. After all, dying a warrior’s death is one of the highest honors a Mandalorian can achieve. It makes sense that in what he believes to be his final moments, he would say this important phrase of his Creed.

Din Djrain and Grogu.


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18 The Armorer Sets Din Djarin On His Jedi Quest

The Mandalorian Season 1, Episode 8 “Chapter 8: Redemption”

The Mandalorian Finale - Mando and the Armorer

When the Armorer sends Din Djarin on his Jedi quest to reunite Grogu with his own kid, they exchange a “This is the Way.” There is a heaviness to this moment as, while Din Djarin still believes at this point that going with a Jedi is the best thing for Grogu, he has clearly bonded strongly with the boy. Rather than simply a solemn acknowledgment of duty, though it is that as well, this moment feels like Din Djarin reminding himself of the necessity of what he must do.

17 Bo-Katan Kryze Mocks Din Djarin’s Tribe

The Mandalorian Season 2, Episode 3 “Chapter 11: The Heiress”

After she changes the terms of their heist mission, Bo-Katan Kryze mocks Din’s tribe, sarcastically saying, “This is the Way.” This establishes Bo-Katan as hostile to everything Din Djarin believes in, which causes him to be immediately distrustful of her. This scene not only serves to build dramatic tension, but it also establishes who Bo-Katan is as a character. She has less faith as a Mandalorian princess than a foundling. This is also a notable difference from Star Wars: The Clone Wars when she was shown to be an active member of Death Watch. It is clear that her character has become disillusioned after the Purge of Mandalore.

16 … & Bo-Katan Exchanges The Phrase More Honorably

The Mandalorian Season 2, Episode 3 “Chapter 11: The Heiress”

Bo-Katan Kryze sends Din to find Ahsoka Tano in The Mandalorian

Bo-Katan, after saying the phrase sarcastically earlier in the episode, says it more respectfully when thanking Din Djarin for helping her fight the Imperials. While it is clear at this point she is simply humoring Din Djarin, especially since she takes her helmet off before she says it, it is the first time Bo-Katan refers to the Children of the Watch and their customs with anything other than sarcasm and scorn. This marks the beginning of her journey to eventually becoming a redeemed member of the Children of the Watch herself.

15 Din Djarin Rejoins The Mandalorian Covert

The Book Of Boba Fett Season 1, Episode 5 “Chapter 5: Return Of The Mandalorian”

Din Djarin and Armorer in Book of Boba Fett

When Din Djarin is told by the Armorer he can rejoin the covert, the phrase “This is the Way” is exchanged between Din, Paz Vizsla, and the Armorer. This moment shows comradery among the few Mandalorians who are left. With many Mandalorians having been separated, this greeting shows how they are leaning on each other and their Creed for comfort. It also serves to make the next, “This is the Way” more tragic.

14 The Armorer Excommunicates Din Djarin

The Book Of Boba Fett Season 1, Episode 5 “Chapter 5: Return Of The Mandalorian”

When Din Djarin reveals to the Armorer that he had removed his helmet to save Grogu and show the foundling his face, the Armorer states he is no longer a Mandalorian, excommunicating him from the tribe. This is the most devastating “This is the Way” ever said in Star Wars to date. Watching Din Djarin be excommunicated from the religious community that had saved and raised him was heartbreaking, but it also marked a turning point for the character, as he became determined to redeem himself.

13 Din Djarin Swears His Loyalty To Boba Fett

The Book Of Boba Fett Season 1, Episode 7 “Chapter 7: In The Name Of Honor”

Din Djarin and Boba Fett face the Pykes in The Book of Boba Fett episode 7.

When Din Djarin swears his loyalty to Boba Fett before the Battle of Mos Espa begins, he offers a confident “This is the Way.” This is important because he is acknowledging Boba Fett’s authority and friendship not just in some general sense, but also in accordance with his religion. It proves Din Djarin’s commitment to the Way, as it is both an oath and a promise of respect and honor. It is interesting Din Djarin pays this respect to Boba Fett even though Boba has not followed the Way, especially considering Boba had just dismissed it as “bantha fodder.” This suggests it is more about the person swearing the oath than the one accepting it.

12 The Armorer Officially Sets Din Djarin On His Redemptive Quest

The Mandalorian Season 3, Episode 1 “Chapter 17: The Apostate”

Din Djarin and the Armorer during The Mandalorian season 3, episode 1

When the Armorer sends Din Djarin on his redemptive quest, she offers a decisive “This is the Way.” For the Armorer, this is a statement of fact. For Din Djarin, it is almost a defiant challenge to himself. He has been told the only way to become a Mandalorian again is to do what he has been told is impossible: bathe in the Living Waters on Mandalore. Despite this, he is so committed to the Way that he is willing to literally try doing the impossible to be redeemed. This shows Din Djarin’s strength and commitment as a character; even when the odds are against him, he refuses to give up.

11 Din Djarin Honors Bo-Katan Kryze’s Late Father

The Mandalorian Season 3, Episode 2 “Chapter 18: The Mines Of Mandalore”

Mando, Bo-Katan, and Grogu on Mandalore

When Bo-Katan tells Din Djarin her father died defending Mandalore, Din Djarin respectfully replies with an extremely meaningful “This is the Way.” At this point, Bo-Katan still does not accept the Way, and she has been very dismissive of it. Despite her keeping her guard up, however, there is a moment of pause as he says that. It is a reminder of the way she was raised – the Creed she took when she was young, even if for show. In this moment, Din Djarin’s commitment to the Way of the Mand’alor appears to finally be having an impact on Bo-Katan.

10 Din Djarin & Bo-Katan Kryze Both Earn Redemption

The Mandalorian Season 3, Episode 3 “Chapter 19: The Convert”

Din Djarin redeemed - The Mandalorian season 3, episode 3

When Bo-Katan and Din Djarin earn redemption, the Armorer declares “This is the Way,” and the other Mandalorians echo the words. Notably, Bo-Katan does not. Initially, she does not accept the Armorer’s statement of her redemption, replying that she does not walk the Way. The Armorer disregards this, since Bo-Katan had not removed her helmet since she bathed in the Living Waters. Even though she doesn’t recite the Creed, Bo-Katan doesn’t leave. It is clear in this scene that Bo-Katan longs to be accepted by these people, but isn’t sure of herself yet.

9 Paz Vizsla Leaves Bo-Katan Kryze By The Fire

The Mandalorian Season 3, Episode 4 “Chapter 20: The Foundling”

Bo-Katan Kryze and Paz Vizsla in The Mandalorian season 3, episode 5 .

When Bo-Katan goes to get up and find a private place to remove her helmet so she can eat, Paz Vizsla informs her that, since she is the leader of the war party, she has the honor of staying by the fire. He ends this explanation with “This is the Way.” Even though her helmet is on, it is obvious that Bo-Katan is both shocked and honored by this gesture. While Bo-Katan has technically been redeemed and accepted into The Watch, it is clear she does not yet fully understand the Way she has now committed to following. This moment shows Bo-Katan adjusting to her new role as a member of the Children of the Watch.

8 Din Djarin Saves Ragnar Vizsla

The Mandalorian Season 3, Episode 4 “Chapter 20: The Foundling”

Paz Vizsla and his son - The Mandalorian season 3

When Paz Vizsla thanks Din Djarin for saving his son Ragnar, Din Djarin replies with “This is the Way,” which Paz Vizsla then echoes. This is interesting, because the natural response for most people in a situation like this would be to respond with “You’re welcome.” Instead, Din Djarin merely references his Creed. This shows something very important about the Way; It is not just a code or set of rules that one follows, it is a way of life. As a Mandalorian, Din Djarin has sworn to protect foundlings, thus he does not need to be thanked. This is, as he says, merely the Way.

7 Bo-Katan Kryze Is Honored For Saving A Foundling

The Mandalorian Season 3, Episode 4 “Chapter 20: The Foundling”

Group of Mandalorians in The Mandalorian season 3.

When the Armorer congratulates Bo-Katan on saving Ragnar Vizsla, the Mandalorian phrase is uttered between them. Rather than the first time she said the phrase, there is a distinctive respect in her tone of voice. While her journey to becoming an official part of the Children of the Watch is not fully complete, this moment definitely marks a turning point in her journey. In contrast to earlier in the season, Bo-Katan is now beginning to take on the Creed of this tribe as her own.

6 The Armorer Acknowledges Bo-Katan Kryze’s Mythosaur “Vision”

The Mandalorian Season 3, Episode 4 “Chapter 20: The Foundling”

When Bo-Katan tells the Armorer that she saw a mythosaur, the Armorer initially doesn’t believe her, writing it off as a vision. However, even though she does not yet believe that the mythosaur is real, the Armorer recognizes it as a sign that Bo-Katan has chosen the Way, and so says, “This is the Way.” This is an important step in Bo-Katan’s journey toward fully accepting – and being accepted by – the Children of the Watch as both a member and a leader. The Armorer, the leader of this tribe, now officially recognizes Bo-Katan as part of their covert.

5 The Mandalorians Agree To Rescue Nevarro

The Mandalorian Season 3, Episode 5 “Chapter 21: The Pirate”

Din Djarin speaks to his covert in The Mandalorian season 3

Paz Viszla is the first to say “This is the Way” when Bo-Katan and Din Djarin request help from the Mandalorians to save Navarro. Grateful that Din Djarin and Bo-Katan rescued his son, Ragnar Viszla, Paz chooses to return the favor. This inspires the other Mandalorians to respond in unison, “This is the Way.” This moment is significant because it marks a turning point in the relationships between the Mandalorians. Up until now, there had been a lot of infighting and disagreement, but at this moment, the Mandalorians truly begin to warm up to both Bo-Katan and Din Djarin as leaders.

4 Bo-Katan Kryze Accepts The Armorer’s Quest To Unite Mandalore

The Mandalorian Season 3, Episode 5 “Chapter 21: The Pirate”

What makes this moment so important is that it marks the climax of Bo-Katan’s arc from looking down on the followers of the Way as ridiculous cultists to truly accepting the Creed as her own. When Bo-Katan says “This is the Way” in response to the Armorer saying they must unite all Mandalorians under the Way, she isn’t just pandering or being sarcastic anymore. She fully realizes and accepts the Way as the true path of the Mandalorians. She has gone from a scornful skeptic to a faithful believer. There is no more doubt left inside of her. She will unite all Mandalorians under the Way.