“You Do This, And We Won’t Be Heroes”: Nightwing Just Made a Decision That Could End The Titans (& Maybe Should)

“You Do This, And We Won’t Be Heroes”: Nightwing Just Made a Decision That Could End The Titans (& Maybe Should)

Warning: Potential Spoilers for TITANS: BEAST WORLD #5!

Nightwing has recently made a decision that has the potential to permanently cast the Titans as villains in the eyes of the world they have devoted their lives to protect. Despite having zero regrets about his decision, the famous saying “the road to hell is paved with good intentions” comes to mind. In this case, that road may lead to the demise of the Titans.

In Titans: Beast World #5 by Tom Taylor, Ivan Reis, and Eduardo Pansica, Amanda Waller assumes the ill-intentioned responsibility of stopping the Beast World pandemic (that she caused) through the drastic measure of ordering drone strikes to kill over a million infected individuals.

“You Do This, And We Won’t Be Heroes”: Nightwing Just Made a Decision That Could End The Titans (& Maybe Should)

Fearing the onset of genocide, Nightwing takes it upon himself to try to persuade Waller to consider another course of action. As expected, Waller refuses to call off the strike, which prompts Dick to intervene in a manner that she deems “recklessly stupid.”

Nightwing Orders Cyborg to Hack and Take Control of the US Military

Titans Beast World #5 Nightwing telling Cyborg to hack the US military

In an earlier scene, as the Titans brainstorm ways to prevent the impending drone strike, Cyborg reveals that he could provide a potential solution by hacking into “every system” to alter the kill orders. However, Flash points out that this approach would likely villainize the Titans, “You do this, Cy, and we won’t be the heroes in the eyes of many.” Acknowledging the less-than-ideal nature of this approach, Nightwing decides to prioritize diplomatic efforts by attempting to talk to Waller first. Nevertheless, he keeps the option of hacking the military on the table, reserving it as a worst-case-scenario contingency plan.

After Nightwing’s unsuccessful attempt to persuade Waller to call off the drone strike, he is forced to take drastic action, ordering Cyborg to hack and modify the military drone orders. Despite this decision saving over a million lives, Waller shrewdly observes that the world will not perceive it that way. Instead, people will focus on the Titans’ ability to access and control the world’s most formidable arsenals. This could lead to the Titans’ vilification in the eyes of the world, jeopardizing their role as Earth’s protectors and transforming them into adversaries rather than allies.

Starfire finger light and nightwing looking back


Nightwing’s Time as a Leader Should End (and Starfire’s Repulsive New Feat Proves Why)

Starfire becomes Nightwing’s knight in purple armor with one feat that is as disgusting as it is badass, proving she has the grit to lead the Titans.

The Titans Are Joining DC’s Hero Villainization Era

Titans Beast World #5 Amanda Waller warning Nightwing that the word is going to turn on the Titans

DC is currently undergoing an era marked by the villainization of its most iconic heroes. Hence, if Titans: Beast World #6 leads to the villainization of the Titans, they would just be joining a growing roster of characters, including Wonder Woman, Mary Marvel, and Batman, who have all been unjustly perceived as villains in their respective storylines. The prospect of witnessing Nightwing and the Titans navigate this shift to a similar “villainous” era would offer a unique exploration of heroism in the face of adversity and could add a welcome complexity to their narrative.

Titans: Beast World #5 is available now from DC Comics!


TITANS BEAST WORLD #5 cover featuring Doctor Hate
  • Writer: Tom Taylor
  • Artist: Ivan Reis, Eduardo Pansica, Danny Miki, and Júlio Ferreira
  • Colorist: Brad Anderson
  • Letterer: Wes Abbott
  • Cover Artist: Ivan Reis, Danny Miki, and Brad Anderson