“You Can Do It”: My Hero Academia Finally Explains Why Deku Is the Greatest Hero

“You Can Do It”: My Hero Academia Finally Explains Why Deku Is the Greatest Hero

One of the first details revealed about Deku in My Hero Academia, is that he will go on to become the World’s Greatest Hero. When the series began, this could have meant that Izuku would be the one to bring the main antagonists down, saving the world by himself. However, the Final War Arc has finally revealed why he is the best hero, and it has nothing to do with defeating All For One.

Throughout the series, Deku has become an inspiration, a symbol of hope and safety for those saved by the young hero. On his quest to become the new Symbol of Peace, like All Might before him, Izuku became something much more important. While Toshinori kept Japan safe by himself for years, Deku inspired old and new generations of Heroes to join forces and keep their country safe by working together.

“You Can Do It”: My Hero Academia Finally Explains Why Deku Is the Greatest Hero

All Might's statue after being vandalized


My Hero Academia’s Ending Proves All Might Was Actually Wrong

My Hero Academia’s final arc has proven why All Might’s Symbol of Peace ideology caused more harm than good to Hero Society.

Japan No Longer Needs A Lonely Pillar Of Peace

Deku will not become the only powerful hero in Japan

Early in his career, All Might cemented himself as the hero who would single-handedly keep Japan safe from evil. He became a pillar of society, making people secure in the idea that All Might would forever keep them safe. This philosophy kept Japan one of the world’s most secure countries for many decades. Woefully, it also became the country’s biggest weakness, as their pace became reliant on a single man. When Japan inevitably fell after All Might’s retirement, Deku came in to change everything. Despite being unaware of it, Deku has slowly become a symbol that inspires people to fight for themselves.

Ever since his journey to become a hero began, Deku has been changing the minds of people around him. He is the one who helped Todoroki accept his Quirk, for example. Izuku is also the one who helped Kota believe in heroes once again. He even became Eri’s savior, taking down Overhaul and bringing hope back to a scared little girl. The people who have been saved or helped by Izuku have gone on to do their part to create a better world.

Todoroki began using his fire and helped his family, while Kota and Eri want to become heroes like Deku. They are not counting on Midoriya always being there to save them and have become proactive in getting stronger. When his battle against Shigaraki and All For One was broadcast worldwide, Deku’s inspiring nature began spreading at a rapid pace. Many heroes who were reluctant to join the fight became active combatants, as seen in chapter 420 of the manga. Deku has become a new symbol, one that will boost cooperation between heroes, creating a better future.

Deku’s Quirkless Nature Was Fundamental To His Hero Journey

Deku knows what it is like to believe yourself to be powerless

For most of his life, Izuku was treated as a lesser human being for his lack of a Quirk. His best friend Bakugo became his biggest tormenter, society itself told him that he was useless, and even his mother doubted if he could achieve his dream. Unlike All Might, who also grew up Quirkless, Deku did not have the comfort that many other Quirkless people existed, as the number rapidly decreased in Japan since Toshinori’s school years. Izuku grew up alone, hoping that someone would come save him from his self-loathing.

Since then, Deku has been granted the power to become his ideal of a hero, one that can inspire others to stand up for themselves. In a society as filled with inequalities, discrimination, and corruption as My Hero Academia’s, this kind of hero is just what the world needs. Kids will know that even without a Quirk they are worthy of being heroes. Characters like Bakugo, who used to see Izuku as a burden, have become more open-minded, going as far as to apologize for his misdeeds. Izuku’s past is what allowed him to become the greatest hero ever, one that will create a better society.

My Hero Academia: A Shocked Deku and a horn.


My Hero Academia Already Undid Its Most Tragic Twist

Just one chapter after a dramatic and tragic twist for Deku was revealed, the manga has already reversed course by undoing what happened.

Deku Is Not The Only Great Hero Of His Generation

Students from various Hero Academies have proven themselves equally valuable.

Shoji fighting Spinner to create a better future

Deku is without a doubt one of the most important and powerful heroes of this new generation. Yet, he is not the only one who deserves to be praised for his contributions. While Izuku will most certainly be the one to receive the title of World’s Greatest Hero, his classmates and allies have also greatly contributed to the creation of a new society. Heroes like Shoji, who is fighting hard to spread awareness about Heteromorph discrimination, or Shinzo, who has been told all his life that he has a villainous Quirk.

These young heroes have been just as important as Deku in stopping All For One’s forces and ensuring that the same issues that helped the villain rise are addressed. Alongside Izuku, they will likely become icons of change, being some of the most important figures for the betterment of society. This is one of the key main differences between the kind of hero Izuku has become when compared to All Might. Toshinori, in his desire to maintain peace, unconsciously kept the spotlight to himself. He denied other heroes the chance to become engines of change.

Deku, who is aware that he could have not gotten to where he is alone, has actively encouraged others to step up and become the Heroes that society needs. While Izuku is not the reason why characters like Shoji fight for change, he did help him in his journey. The next generation of heroes will never have to carry their burdens alone, as they will always have a helping hand nearby. Izuku and his friends have become the symbols of a better and more just future.

Despite being unaware of his importance in the world, Deku has slowly become the hero that Japan, and the rest of the world, needed, a noble warrior who motivates others to become better and fight for justice. Izuku was not lying when he introduced himself during chapter 1 of My Hero Academia, he has truly become the World’s Greatest Hero, and fans can finally understand why.

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