Yennefer’s 10 Best Outfits From The Witcher

Yennefer’s 10 Best Outfits From The Witcher

Yennefer is known for her extravagant outfits in The Witcher, though some made more of a statement than others. The Netflix series cast actor Anya Chalotra to take on the already well-loved character from the Witcher books and video games, and this was no easy task. The series has faced much criticism from long-time fans, but Chalotra’s performance has been praised for the grace and power that she brought to the role. Of course, wearing such remarkable outfits must make this job a little easier.

Yennefer’s rocky character arch in The Witcher can be observed in her clothing. At the start of season 1, the young rejected girl wore only ill-fitting, dirty smocks. Despite her potential for power, she lacked confidence, and this was reflected in her appearance. This changed after Yennefer went through the enchantment. She felt unstoppable, and her luxurious gowns matched her reckless behavior. This continued until The Witcher season 3, when Yennefer gained some humility, and her outfits once again shifted to demonstrate this. All these changes meant for a wide variety of looks, with some in particular leaving quite the impact.

10 Yennefer’s Simple Black Dress – The Witcher Season 3

Yennefer’s 10 Best Outfits From The Witcher

The Witcher season 3 saw quite a change for Yennefer. Though she had spent the first two installments of the Netflix series thinking mostly of herself and her own goals, she managed to pull herself together and behave responsibly to keep Ciri safe and earn Geralt’s forgiveness. Though this was good for her character in general, it meant that her outfits became less extravagant and more practical. This is seen in the simple dress she wore for a portion of The Witcher season 3. It was in her signature black, with a sort of sweater that says “mom” rather than “powerful mage.”

9 Yennefer Looking Lovely In Lilac – The Witcher Season 3

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Another outfit worn by Yennefer in The Witcher season 3, the purple top with a black skirt was, again, far less extravagant than what she preferred in season 1. Still, the lilac color of the blouse really brought out her eyes (and brought to mind the “lilac and gooseberry” fragrance that Yennefer is known for). Overall, the purpose of this outfit was to unveil the character’s gentler side. It’s more down-to-earth and simple but still elegant, allowing Geralt to see that Yennefer truly had changed (but was just as beautiful as ever).

8 Yennefer’s Rare Occasion In White – The Witcher Season 1

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Yennefer traditionally only wears black and white in Witcher canon, but her all-white dress in The Witcher season 1 was a surprise. It seemed to be something of an elegant nightgown—less formal than her other outfits but still extravagant in its own way. Her hair and makeup were far less glam than what had been seen since the enchantment, which also contributed to this effortlessly beautiful look. Still, Yennefer in all white didn’t feel quite the same.RELATED: The Witcher: How Old Yennefer Is At The Beginning & End Of Season 1

7 Yennefer’s Black & Gold Gown – The Witcher Season 2

Yennefer, Geralt, and Ciri facing the Wild Hunt.

Since Yennefer lost her powers in The Witcher season 2, she wasn’t able to magically change her clothes as often as she did in season 1. For this reason, she spent most of the episodes wearing a filthy version of what she wore at the Battle of Sodden. However, once she was reunited with Geralt, she was able to get a good bath and a change of clothes. Her outfit certainly felt powerful and more similar to those she wore in The Witcher season 1. Still, as pretty as it was, the fact that the gown was detailed with gold was extremely out of character for the exclusively black-and-white-wearing Yennefer.

6 Yennefer Dressed To Impress – The Witcher Season 3

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Despite her character’s changes in The Witcher season 3, her return to Aretuza pulled her ever so slightly back toward her old self. This was seen in the return of the more extravagant outfits, such as the bold gown worn to the Aretuza ball. The two-piece dress allowed Chalotra’s natural beauty to shine through, and the look was all the more impactful with Geralt’s snazzy self by her side. Still, what was truly unique about this outfit was how it incorporated Yennefer’s Obsidian Star necklace, which she is most always wearing around her neck. This time, the pendant and stone hang from her bodice.

5 Yennefer’s First Gown – The Witcher Season 1


Still not as extravagant as some of her other gowns, the dress Yennefer wore to the Aretuza ball in The Witcher season 1 is impactful since it’s the first she was seen in after shedding her previous form. The fact that this dress wasn’t quite as loud as those Yennefer would later wear was rather important since, in this scene, it was Yennefer herself who really needed to shine through. She was nearly unrecognizable from her former self, and the dress complimented this (rather than overshining).

4 The Savior Of Sodden – The Witcher Season 1


Certainly the most unique of Yennefer’s dresses in The Witcher, the gown she wore during the Battle of Sodden was about as detailed as it could get. It was covered from top to bottom in black and silver cords. The delicate nature of these individual tassels contradicted the immense power that Yennefer demonstrated in this battle, which drove the moment home all the more. This dress was seen throughout The Witcher season 2, though far more tattered and bedraggled.

3 Yennefer At The Apothecary – The Witcher Season 1

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The dress that Yennefer wore to the apothecary in The Witcher season 1 was far more like something the character would have worn in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Black from head to toe with spider-web-like designs across the chest and arms, Yennefer looked unmistakably powerful. This is also the point in The Witcher when she cared the least for others and focused entirely on her own goals. In all, this dress was just very Yennefer.

2 Yennefer’s Fur Gown – The Witcher Season 1


Yennefer was quite the sight adventuring through the mountains in extravagant gowns, but she managed to pull it off. This is especially true for the fur-lined dress she wore while hunting for the dragon in The Witcher. The outfit said fantasy through and through, allowing Yennefer to look irresistibly beautiful (from Geralt’s point of view) while ensuring anyone who saw her knew she was a force to be reckoned with. Add in the gorgeous landscapes present during the dragon adventure of The Witcher season 1, and this becomes one of Yennefer’s most memorable looks in the series.

1 Yennefer Meets Geralt – The Witcher Season 1


It’s no surprise that Yennefer made quite an impact on Geralt when he first met her. Even in a room full of naked villagers, she stood out in the bizarre yet beautiful gown, which featured strappy, cage-like sleeves in Yennefer’s trademark black. The elegant mask was also a great touch, contrasted by the blood-red lipstick, and pulled the look together. Yennefer brought this outfit back for a nostalgic moment with Geralt in The Witcher season 3, emphasizing how important this scene was to her history with the titular Witcher.