X-Men Reveals a Disgusting New Version of Galactus

X-Men Reveals a Disgusting New Version of Galactus

Warning: spoilers ahead for Hellions #15!

Marvel has introduced a new – and truly disgusting – being capable of consuming reality itself, giving the X-Men their own deadly version of Galactus! In Hellions #15, on sale now in print and digital, Tarn the Uncaring unleashes Amino Fetus on the Marvel Universe. The comic piece reveals the gross creature’s Damnation Cycle consumes universes in much the same way that Galactus consumes worlds.

Galactus is one of the most powerful beings in the Marvel Universe – the sole survivor of the previous cycle of creation reborn in the current cosmos as the Devourer of Worlds. As one of the primal forces of the universe, Galactus helps maintain balance by consuming the life energies of entire worlds. Galactus uses heralds, imbued with the Power Cosmic, to scour the cosmos looking for planets for him to consume; previous heralds include the Silver Surfer and Terrax. Now, Marvel has introduced something far less natural in Amino Fetus, a being so evil and powerful it must be thrown into a black hole to save the day. Hellions #15 is written by Zeb Wells, with art by Roge Antonio, colors by Rain Beredo and letters by Ariana Maher.

Tarn the Uncaring has brought Amino Fetus into the Marvel Universe, along with the rest of his henchmen, known as the Locus Vile. While a powerful warrior, Amino Fetus is constantly trying to eat its victims – something the other Locus Vile work hard to prevent. In Hellions #15, it finally gets to take a bite, and begins growing in size and menace. Finally, the Fetus is ready to spawn – with countless, smaller versions of itself clawing their way into existence. Tarn, realizing the problem the Fetus now poses and not yet done with creation, is forced to dispose of the Fetus in a black hole. A text piece reveals this is the only way to reset the Amino Fetus’ Damnation Cycle, turning it back into “the Abominable Germ.” It’s also revealed that if the Fetus had been successful in spawning, its offspring would have consumed the strands of time, annihilating the universe.

X-Men Reveals a Disgusting New Version of Galactus

Amino Fetus is a much grosser version of Galactus, but it may also be deadlier. When Galactus feeds on a world, the people on it may die, but at least they still existed, but if Amino Fetus is allowed to consume time, the entire universe never happened. It’s clear Amino Fetus is a cosmic predator, feeding on worlds and then beginning its life cycle once more in the nothingness left behind. Unlike Galactus, it has no apparent interest in balance and can’t be reasoned with.

Even though he is a deadly force in the Marvel Universe, Galactus is a being of order and even protects reality from outside incursion. Sadly, Amino Fetus is a more chaotic creature, and its incredible power shows the threat Tarn the Uncaring poses to the Hellions and Krakoa as a whole. The X-Men have had some dangerous enemies before, but now they have their own repulsive version of Galactus, not to mention an enemy who looked at such a horrifying creature and saw only a weapon to use against them.