X-Men Just Used Cyclops’ Power in The COOLEST New Way

X-Men Just Used Cyclops’ Power in The COOLEST New Way

The X-Men just found the coolest use of Cyclops’ powers. It’s easy to forget just how powerful Cyclops really is; his optic blasts pack quite a punch, and they seem to have become increasingly powerful with age. By the time of the superhero civil war, Iron Man measured Cyclops’ energy output at 2 gigawatts a second, the equivalent of a nuclear power station. Wolverine once quipped that God had given Cyclops a “nuke” in his eyes, and honestly, he wasn’t exaggerating that much.

Cyclops’ powers are complemented by an almost supernatural grasp of spatial geometry. That means he can manage incredibly skillful ricochet shots – once neutralizing eight aggressors with a single ricochet blast. He’s also been known to use his powers while performing gymnastics, cartwheeling through the air and opening fire while upside-down.

Now that Marvel has released the official preview of X-Men/Fantastic Four #3, and it reveals the X-Men have just found the coolest use of Cyclops’ powers to date. The preview shows the X-Men pursuing the Fantastic Four in a Blackbird Jet, and they call Cyclops down to the cockpit. Not as a pilot – even though he is one of the X-Men’s best pilots – but rather as a weapon. They’ve installed technology that allows Cyclops to channel his optic blasts into the Blackbird’s weapons system – and he’s able to use it for precision targeting. Notice that, while he neutralizes the FantastiCar, his shot is so precise that none of the Fantastic Four are injured. Here’s the full preview:

X-Men Just Used Cyclops’ Power in The COOLEST New Way
X-Men Fantastic Four 3 Preview Page 1
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While the X-Men’s approach may seem unnecessarily confrontational, it’s worth noting the Fantastic Four have literally just launched a successful incursion on to Krakoan soil and infiltrated a meeting of the Quiet Council; The Thing even took advantage of the opportunity to give Magneto a powerhouse punch. For all that’s the case, though, Cyclops made sure not to shoot the Fantastic Four down until they were near to an island, and none of them were injured. That stands as testimony to his marksmanship; Cyclops had good reason to sound cocky.

This preview is also useful in helping lock down the timeline. It’s gradually becoming clear that the X-Men comics are being published out of in-world chronological sequence, a way of controlling how readers react to the story. It’s now clear X-Men/Fantastic Four really has happened quite soon after the foundation of Krakoa; notice the technology is fairly traditional, rather than the Krakoan biotechnology Beast and Forge have been working within the Dawn of X books. It will be interesting to see whether or not they come up with any new, biotech-based, ways of using Cyclops’ powers going forward.