X-Men Just Introduced the Perfect Codename for Cyclops’ God-Tier Brother

X-Men Just Introduced the Perfect Codename for Cyclops’ God-Tier Brother

As X-Men‘s Genesis War nears its apocalyptic conclusion, a new team of mutants are united – one including Cyclops‘ long-lost brother Vulcan in a terrifying new role. Born into alien servitude and later betrayed by Charles Xavier, Vulcan is an Omega-level energy manipulator who has equaled Marvel’s biggest hitters, even tearing a hole in reality during his War of Kings battle against Black Bolt. Now, he returns, reborn at the X-Men’s darkest moment.

In a preview of Al Ewing, Yıldıray Çınar, Federico Blee, and Ariana Maher’s X-Men Red #17, Vulcan is freed from his mysterium prison by Apocalypse. He asks if Apocalypse is forming a new version of his iconic Horsemen, in which powerful beings are enhanced with Celestial technology and renamed as Death, War, Famine, and Pestilence, however Apocalypse reveals he’s trying something new. This time, his mystic intent requires mutants who embody the four elements, and Vulcan will be his Fire.

X-Men Just Introduced the Perfect Codename for Cyclops’ God-Tier Brother

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Apocalypse himself will be Water, while the Air and Earth roles will be fulfilled by his new Amenthi demon familiar and a mysterious hooded figure. If these ‘Four Elements’ follow the same logic as the Horsemen, Vulcan will now be going by ‘Fire’ – the perfect codename for a mutant who burns like a living sun. Surprisingly, this time Apocalypse isn’t forming a team to serve his own interests – the elemental team will unite in service of Storm, who is fighting for the sake of the planet Arakki (formerly Mars.)

Vulcan Is Fire Unbound

Apocalypse’s Magic Uses the Four Elements

x-men vulcan cyclops brother

An incredibly powerful mutant, Gabriel Summers was born shortly after Cyclops’ parents were abducted by the Shi’ar. He later escaped and was part of a disastrous second X-Men team whose existence Xavier wiped from his other students’ minds. However, Vulcan later returned, conquering the Shi’ar who had imprisoned him, and going to war with the Inhuman-led Kree. Defeated by Black Bolt, he’s tried to redeem himself since, however it was eventually revealed that he had been experimented on by agents of Abigail Brand, bringing his worst aspects to the surface.

X-Men’s New Horsemen Join the Genesis War

Apocalypse Takes Storm’s Side in the War for Mars

The last time fans saw Vulcan, he was challenging Storm for leadership of Arakko, and ended up imprisoned by Lodus Logos using the new anti-magic metal mysterium. However, since then the political landscape of Arakko has changed drastically. Influenced by the demonic Annihilation, Apocalypse’s wife Genesis has laid siege to the planet, with Storm’s ragtag army of mutants battling to fend off her forces. Storm recently gained possession of the Uranos trigger – which can be used to unleash the deadly Eternal Uranos for one hour – but by using it, she will put all of Arakko at risk. Now, it seems Apocalypse intends to give her a better option.

The Krakoan era has reinvented Apocalypse, revealing his hidden backstory with Genesis and exposing his mystical insights. Now, he’s turning his magic to Storm’s service, apparently intending to aid her in defeating his wife for control of the mutant world. It’s a major decision, and sets Apocalypse at odds against his family, however it could be pivotal. Currently, the mutants of Earth have been soundly defeated by Orchis, with the Genesis War keeping Arakko’s mutants from coming to their aid. If Apocalypse’s new elements can combine their power in Storm’s service, Genesis could finally be defeated without unleashing Uranos, and the X-Men will receive their much-needed cavalry just in the nick of time.

X-Men Red #17 is coming from Marvel Comics November 7.