X-Men Finally Explains Why Juggernaut is Xavier’s True Nemesis, Not Magneto

X-Men Finally Explains Why Juggernaut is Xavier’s True Nemesis, Not Magneto

Warning: Contains preview pages for Rise of the Powers of X #2Since his earliest appearance, Juggernaut has been indelibly linked to the X-Men thanks to his relationship with their founder, Professor X himself. And as the figurehead of mutantkind, Charles Xavier has his share of iconic rivalries, from his stepbrother, Cain Marko, to his longstanding frenemy, Magneto. And while Charles’ relationship with the Master of Magnetism is undoubtedly his most iconic rivalry, it’s his enmity with the Unstoppable Juggernaut that truly haunts the character.

CBR recently shared a preview of Rise of the Powers of X #2 by Kieron Gillen, R.B. Silva, David Curiel, and Clayton Cowles, which features the entity known as Enigma searching the timeline for Charles Xavier. Looking back at Xavier’s history, he sees a childhood altercation with his older stepbrother, the future Juggernaut.

X-Men Finally Explains Why Juggernaut is Xavier’s True Nemesis, Not Magneto

Focusing briefly on this moment of childhood trauma, Enigma notes, “I watch a few times, studying the technique, remember the words and ways to hurt him.” And what seems like a brief footnote in Enigma’s quest for domination over his foe is heartbreaking proof that Juggernaut is more Xavier’s enemy than Magneto ever was.

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As “The Longest Romance in X-Men History” Officially Ends, Marvel Sets Up the Ultimate Hero vs Villain Grudge Match

The X-Men are known for their iconic relationships, but one of their newest romances has met its untimely end while setting up the team’s endgame.

Juggernaut and Professor X Have Always Been Enemies

Professor X defeating the Juggernaut.

Professor X and Juggernaut have had a strained relationship since their childhood, when they spent their early days vying for the affections of Cain’s abusive father. The brutish Cain was always jealous of the more cerebral Charles, physically and emotionally tormenting the young Xavier while subconsciously resenting him for not using his telepathy to protect them from their cruel father figure. Likewise, Professor X was far from innocent, using his telepathy to violate Marko’s mind and leading to the Juggernaut’s inevitable disdain for telepathy. In the process, a lifelong enmity emerged – one that the duo still struggles against to this day.

Professor X and Magneto have also had their ups and downs, but Charles has always been more forgiving of Erik’s transgression. Ultimately, Xavier respects and even loves Magneto despite their feud, while his familial relationship, Juggernaut, is far more vitriolic thanks to their formative childhood traumas. After all, it was Charles who abandoned Cain in the Temple of Cytorrak after Marko’s transformation. And when Xavier was taken over by Onslaught, he immediately attacked Cain. Even more recently, Xavier was resistant to the idea of Juggernaut joining the mutant nation of Krakoa, despite his longstanding relationship with the X-Men.

Professor X and Juggernaut Are On the Same Side…For Now

Juggernaut Charles Xavier Featured Image

These days, the Juggernaut and Professor X are both fighting for the survival of mutantkind against the forces of Orchis. But it wouldn’t exactly be a surprise if they reverted to old habits once the status quo of the X-Men is reset after Fall of X. Whether they decide to bury the hatchet or revert to type, Juggernaut will seemingly always have a strained relationship with the X-Men‘s founder, Professor X – even more so than Magneto.