X-Men Cosplay Creates a God-Tier Team Marvel Needs to See

X-Men Cosplay Creates a God-Tier Team Marvel Needs to See

A stunning new series of X-Men character cosplays has created a genius team that’s never been seen before, but would be full of fascinating character dynamics. The four X-Men characters in question have some similarities but come from very different periods of the X-Men’s history, which makes a theoretical team-up between them all the more exciting. There’s never been an X-Men team quite like this, but if this cosplay proves anything, it’s that there should be.

Sara Moni (@saramonicosplay) has created a series of spectacular cosplays celebrating four X-Men characters whose names all begin with M: Magma, Meggan, Monet St. Croix and Ms. Marvel.

Moni perfectly captures these heroines’ looks with pitch-perfect recreations of Meggan and Ms. Marvel’s iconic costumes. They then go a step above and beyond for the other two characters. Magma gets a spectacular recreation of her powers in action using a clever application of paint. Meanwhile, Monet gets three separate designs: her classic ‘90s Generation X look, her modern white Krakoan costume and her Penance-inspired Hellfire Gala formal wear.

This Cosplay Spans Four Generations Of X-MenX-Men Cosplay Creates a God-Tier Team Marvel Needs to See

All these characters are from different eras of the X-Men franchise, which makes imagining them together on an X-Men team fascinating. Magma is from the classic team of New Mutants, while Monet is introduced in the following generation’s team of younger characters, Generation X. Both characters come from wealth and are therefore supremely arrogant, but both also have their hearts in the right place. They’re a pair of powerhouses who’ve never had the chance to properly work together, though they both share a history with other important characters like Emma Frost.

Meggan, meanwhile, is mostly a Captain Britain and Excalibur character, while Ms. Marvel has only become an X-Man in the last year. Meggan has a convoluted backstory, with the distinction between her mutant powers and her partially fairy heritage being unclear at times. Ms. Marvel has a similarly complicated relationship to her powers. She was introduced as an Inhuman, but recent retcons have revealed her to also be a mutant. What that means for her exact power set is yet to be revealed. They’re two characters whose multiple identities make their stories all the deeper.

How Would These X-Men Work Together?

x-men and ms.marvel fight bugs

There are some fun potential character dynamics in this theoretical X-Team. Both Monet and Magma are self-confident and arrogant and would likely butt heads. This could contrast neatly with Meggan’s struggles with self-actualization and self-confidence, a theme throughout her time in the first volume of Excalibur. Meanwhile, Ms. Marvel is still a relative newcomer to the X-Men, attempting to find her place within mutantdom despite being a big superhero in her own right. It’s easy to imagine Kamala Khan bonding with Meggan while feeling somewhat at odds with the others.

Putting Monet and Ms. Marvel together on a team is also a great pairing because of their shared religion. Both characters are Muslim, though Kamala’s faith is much more central to her identity and overarching story. While Monet’s identity is still important to her, she’s not visibly Muslim in the same way that Kamala is. In a franchise that celebrates diversity, it’s a missed opportunity that these characters haven’t had a chance to interact properly yet, and Sara Moni’s terrific cosplay goes to show how the intersections between characters’ identities is such a strength of the X-Men.

Source: Sara Moni via Instagram