X-Men Confirms the Secret Mutant Power That Makes The Entire Species Unbeatable

X-Men Confirms the Secret Mutant Power That Makes The Entire Species Unbeatable

Warning: Contains spoilers for Resurrection of Magneto!!The X-Men, and mutants in general, have complex and often misunderstood biology. As the “next step in human evolution,” they differ in some profound ways from Homo sapiens, and Magneto just revealed that their powers are even stronger than previously believed. Not only do mutants perform extraordinary physical and mental feats, but their abilities are instant and faster, at the very least, than the speed of electricity.

In Resurrection of Magneto #4 – by Al Ewing, Luciano Vecchio, David Curiel, Jesus Aburtov, and Joe Sabino – Magneto aka Max Eisenhardt engages in battle with Orchis soldiers for the first time since officially being resurrected. While Magneto has been dead for some time, Orchis had technology prepared to contend with his daughter, Polaris, and her incredibly similar abilities.

X-Men Confirms the Secret Mutant Power That Makes The Entire Species Unbeatable

Orchis lays a trap with electromagnetic fields to goad Magneto into attacking them and releasing nerve gas on nearly a thousand captured mutants. They’ve failed to account for the speed of Magneto’s abilities, however, and he cites that “unlike electricity in a wire, mutant power is instantaneous.”

Even Orchis’ Best Technology Can’t Beat X-Men Biology

Magneto Proves It By Using Their Arrogance Against Them

Orchis soldiers taunt Magneto about a trap in their sensors. An imprisoned mutant reassures another that Magneto will save them.

Orchis has secured some devastating wins against the X-Men and mutantkind, but the ego behind the organization is proving to be its downfall. They’ve developed technology to counter a vast range of mutant abilities, seemingly leaving them with no way to fight back, yet Orchis continues to misunderstand (and underestimate) who they’re up against. Despite repeated efforts to subject mutants to experiments and studies over the years, it’s clear that the opposition is missing key information about how they operate – especially the most powerful and motivated among them.

However, Magneto revealing that mutant power is instantaneous doesn’t mean every mutant has the kind of control to take advantage of that, nor do all of their abilities work the same. He says that the move he makes, which crushes the Orchis soldiers into gory balls of armor when he’s finished, requires “confidence and strength” along with experience and an able body. In other words, to take full advantage of any instant ability, a mutant needs to be in peak condition and have full concentration. It isn’t a guaranteed win, only a previously unknown advantage.

Mutants Must Be at Their Best to Defeat Orchis

Old X-Men Strategies Aren’t Viable Anymore

Magneto stands between several Orchis soldiers as one fires a bullet toward him.

Though the X-Men have faced countless enemies and attacks over the years, none have been as skilled and devastatingly prepared as Orchis. Any previous war strategies are guaranteed to fail, and they’ve all had to reach deep and tap into something else. Mutant biology makes them a target, but stretching their abilities as far as possible is the only way to win. As Magneto proved, it will take incredible control and planning to reach their full potential. The X-Men and mutants are capable of more than Orchis understands, and Magneto proves their abilities continue to surpass anything their enemies expect.

Resurrection of Magneto #4 (2024)

Resurrection of Magneto #4 cover, Magneto sends the bodies of Orchis soldiers fly off-panel. 

  • Writer: Al Ewing
  • Artist: Luciano Vecchio
  • Colorist: David Curiel & Jesus Aburtov
  • Letterer: Joe Sabino
  • Cover Artist: Stefano Caselli



The oldest and best-known adversary of the X-Men, Magneto has been a part of Marvel Comics since the mutant team was introduced. Bearing powers over magnetic fields, he views mutants as superior to normal humans, and aims to build a world where humans are dominant. The only thing stopping him is Professor X and his team of heroes.