WoW: Burning Crusade Classic’s Strongest Classes For Dungeons & Raids

WoW: Burning Crusade Classic’s Strongest Classes For Dungeons & Raids

With the announcement of World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade Classic, many players will be eager to prepare for the game’s many dungeons and raids. Although some players will choose to stick with their characters from WoW: Classic, others may be interested in rerolling something new. Whether players want to tank, heal, or deal damage, there is a Burning Crusade class for everyone.

Warriors are the kings and queens of tanking in World of Warcraft: Classic, and they will be just as effective in WoW: Burning Crusade Classic. For players looking to lead the way for their raid group, Warriors’ great damage mitigation makes them a reliable choice. However, Paladins will also become very capable tanks in Burning Crusade Classic and may even outshine Warriors, in some respects. For players looking to blow through heroic dungeons, Paladins’ many area of effect abilities allow them to dish out damage and maintain threat effectively.

As far as the best damage dealing class in WoW: Burning Crusade Classic, players can’t go wrong with a Hunter. Hunters are a ranged damage class with a fairly simple rotation to master, and they can rely on their pet for consistent additional damage. Hunters are also a fairly easy class to level up in World of Warcraft, so players looking to jump into the game without a high-level character should definitely consider playing one.

How Powerful Are Warlocks In WoW: Burning Crusade Classic?

WoW: Burning Crusade Classic’s Strongest Classes For Dungeons & Raids

Often considered the strongest damage dealers in WoW‘s Burning Crusade era, Warlocks will be highly sought-after in raids. All three Warlock specializations are able to deal respectable damage, and they will be even stronger when surrounded by a complimentary raid group. Considering Outlands is an area plagued by demons and fel energy in Burning Crusade, Warlocks are also a great choice from a roleplay perspective.

Each of the four healing classes have meaningful advantages for players looking to heal in Burning Crusade Classic, but there is one important detail to consider: For the first time since the launch of WoW: Classic, Alliance players will have access to Shamans, and Horde player will have access to Paladins. It is possible these factions will have a shortage of their new classes at the launch of WoW: Burning Crusade Classic, so players should consider rolling them to increase their chances of getting a spot in early raids.

World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade Classic will have plenty of differences from its prior iteration, and one of the most noticeable may be class balance. Although the classes mentioned above will certainly shine in their specific roles, any specialization will be viable, so long as players know how to work around their weaknesses.