Wonder Woman and Darkseid Are Getting Together in DC Comics

Wonder Woman and Darkseid Are Getting Together in DC Comics

The newly-released cover for Justice League Infinity #4 is sure to shock fans as it reveals that Darkseid and Wonder Woman sharing a kiss. There have been many versions of reality throughout DC’s history, many of which have featured some strange romantic entanglements. However, most of these realities have been reset over the years and are ignored. In DC’s new Infinite Frontier era, every past reality has become canon once again. Therefore, every weird pairing is officially back as part of DC’s expansive continuity. For instance, one of the strangest pairings, Superbaby and Baby Lois, technically occurred if going by this logic. But this new match could be the strangest of them all.

Justice League Infinity is the new comic spin-off of Justice League Unlimited, the iconic DC Animated Universe show. The new series follows on from the concluding events of the TV show, expanding on what had already been established. With the exciting opportunity to continue their seminal world, the series creators have taken the chance to go big. The first issue introduced the idea of the Multiverse as the DCAU Superman is replaced by an alternate, evil version of the Man of Steel.

DC Comics has released the cover art for Justice League Infinity #4 by J.M. DeMatteis, James Tucker, and Ethan Beavers, which sees Darkseid and Wonder Woman kissing. This development is both disturbing and completely unexpected, given their usual hatred for one another. There is also the fact that Darkseid is one of the darkest beings in the entire Multiverse who lacks all emotions. So, what in the universes is happening here?

Wonder Woman and Darkseid Are Getting Together in DC Comics

At the end of the third issue, Wonder Woman is whisked away from Earth in an instant, landing on an unknown barren planet. Here, Wonder Woman is shocked to find the former ruler of Apokolips, freely roaming the lands. It seems that Darkseid, like Wonder Woman, has also been teleported to the planet, unless the disturbances throughout the Multiverse were caused by Darkseid himself. If that is the case, then Darkseid clearly has plans for Wonder Woman. But what could happen in the proceeding moments that would constitute a good reason for Darkseid and Wonder Woman kissing, beyond his manipulation?

Nevertheless, fans will be anticipating this shocking moment as Justice League Infinity #4‘s October 5 release date approaches. It’s such an odd pairing that even though it’s somewhat disturbing, it also garners intrigue. Things truly will never be the same for the DCAU as the answers to the Multiverse’s shake-up will be soon revealed in future issues of Justice League Infinity. Is it all part of some plan of Darkseid’s? How does Wonder Woman play into it? Or is everything being controlled by someone even darker than Darkseid?