Wolverine Admits 1 Killer Has Replaced Him as “The Best There Is”

Wolverine Admits 1 Killer Has Replaced Him as “The Best There Is”

As Wolverine faces a fight unlike any he’s dealt with before, he admits that his classic title of “the best there is at what he does” belongs to someone else – a killer who has made him feel like a rank amateur by chasing him down and dealing wounds so excessive, he has no faith he’ll be able to survive. Wolverine has fought the worst of the worst and lived to tell the tale, but now – in a clash set over a literal century of his life – he’s facing a menace he’s not sure he can beat.

In a preview of Benjamin Percy, Greg Land, Ken Lashley, and Andrea Di Vito’s Predator vs. Wolverine #1, Logan stumbles through the wilderness, losing pints of blood. Shocking injuries cut down to the level of Wolverine’s adamantium skeleton, as he confirms he’s dealing with, “rock and splintered wood shrapnel in my skin. Deep cuts. Plasma burns. I’m a leaking bag of blood.” In gory opening pages, Wolverine says, “They say I’m the best there is… but I sure as @#$% don’t feel that way. Not now. Now that I’m the hunted. Now that I’m the prey.” The killer on his tail is revealed to be a Yautja – one that’s been tracking him for 100 years.

Wolverine Meets His Match in the Predator

Wolverine Admits 1 Killer Has Replaced Him as “The Best There Is”
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Predator vs. Wolverine will follow the battle between Wolverine and the Predator, as the alien game hunter pursues the mutant brawler across his long life. Issue 1 will depict a clash during Wolverine’s escape from Weapon X, with subsequent issues moving through major periods in Wolverine’s life. It seems that the preview opens during their final clash, and it’s likely the series will be told in tandem, with the final fight juxtaposed with flashbacks to their past battles. While a Yautja needs no reason to hunt Wolverine other than him being the ultimate prey, it’s also been hinted that the alien race have an intended use for Logan’s adamantium once he’s brought down.

Wolverine Meets His Match in the Predator

Predator vs Wolverine.

Fans had speculated that because of Logan’s mutant powers, Wolverine vs Predator wasn’t a fair fight, however this preview confirms Logan will struggle to survive. While his unbreakable bones and healing factor make him difficult to kill, the Predators are master hunters across the galaxy, and clearly have the firepower and know-how to make Wolverine hurt – especially after a century spent hunting him. The Predator shown has a slash-mark across its helmet, suggesting an earlier fight where Wolverine gained the upper hand.

Predator vs Wolverine will be the fight of Logan’s life, as he begins the series by admitting that after being hunted by the Yautja, he no longer feels like the best there is at what he does. The Predators are expert hunters who learn fast, and that apparently includes how to do the right type of damage that Wolverine’s healing factor can’t save him – at least not fast enough. Wolverine vs Predator was billed as the blood-soaked battle of two ultimate hunters, but even as the story starts, Logan admits he’s outmatched, and will need a miracle to survive.

Predator vs. Wolverine #1 is available from Marvel Comics September 20.