Without Captain Kirk, Worf Would Have Become One of Star Trek’s Darkest Villains

Without Captain Kirk, Worf Would Have Become One of Star Trek’s Darkest Villains

Without Captain Kirk, Worf would have become one of the darkest villains in the Star Trek universe. The security chief of the Enterprise under Captain Picard, Worf is one of the most popular, and best developed, characters in the franchise. Yet, in the alternate timeline of IDW’s Star Trek: The Last Generation, Worf was a bloodthirsty villain, and it is all thanks to Captain Kirk.

Star Trek: The Last Generation was written by Andrew Steven Harris and drawn by Gordon Purcell. In the film Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, Captain Kirk foils a plan to assassinate the Federation President, which would have set into motion a war between the UFP and the Klingons. The Last Generation explored what would have happened had Kirk not stopped the attempt, leading to a conquered and broken Federation.

Without Captain Kirk, Worf Would Have Become One of Star Trek’s Darkest Villains

Worf is the tyrant warlord of Earth, and after the death of his son at the hands of the rebels, orders a brutal retaliation.

Worf Became a Star Trek Icon for a Reason

Star Trek TNG Heart of Glory Worf

Worf was a historic character in the Star Trek franchise, the first Klingon to serve in Starfleet. Played by Michael Dorn, Worf was in all seven seasons of Star Trek: The Next Generation as well as the final four seasons of Deep Space Nine. Worf was one of the most complex characters in the franchise, and episodes centered around him are some of the most compelling as well. Worf’s struggle to clear his disgraced family’s name formed the backbone of an amazing arc stretching across multiple shows. Through it all, Worf held his head high as befitting a Klingon warrior.

Yet in the world of Star Trek: The Last Generation, Worf’s arc has taken a horrible turn. Worf’s corruption and evil are expressed not only in his physical appearance, featuring a nailed-on eyepatch, but also in his deeds. Whereas Worf is normally an honorable man, here he is vicious and cruel, to the point where he has inspired a rebellion among what is left of the Federation. The Worf of The Last Generation twists Worf’s legacy, taking him from one of Starfleet’s greatest heroes to one of its darkest villains.

star trek kirk yeoman colt


Kirk Only Commands the Enterprise Because of a Minor Star Trek Character

While she only appeared in one Star Trek episode, Yeoman Colt is the reason Captain Kirk works with Starfleet rather than on a commercial freighter.

Captain Kirk Failed the Future

Star Trek TNG Worf

And in the world of The Last Generation, the blame for Worf’s transformation can be laid at the feet of Captain Kirk. In the main timeline, Kirk uncovers a conspiracy to start a war at Khitomer, but here he failed. The process of negotiating peace with the Klingons was a long and drawn out process, involving many parties, but without Kirk, it all fell apart. The example Kirk set at Khitomer impressed the Klingons, and led them to talk peace. It underscores how important Kirk is to the franchise. Without him, there would be no peace—and Worf would become one of Star Trek’s darkest villains.