Will There Ever Be An Interstellar 2? Here’s What We Know

Will There Ever Be An Interstellar 2? Here’s What We Know

Christopher Nolan’s epic Interstellar is without a doubt one of the best sci-fi movies of the last decade, but will there be an Interstellar 2? Christopher Nolan isn’t a director known for making sequels. Bar The Dark Knight trilogy, Nolan has stuck to standalone masterpieces throughout his filmmaking career like the brilliant neo-noir mystery Memento, the incomparable Inception and – of course – Interstellar.

Yet, despite Nolan’s tendency to steer clear of sequels, his movies often leave viewers wanting more and such is the case with Interstellar. Although Interstellar provided a satisfying and emotional ending to its story, with Matthew McConaughey’s Joseph Cooper finally reuniting with daughter Murphy (Jessica Chastain/Ellen Burstyn), many of Nolan’s fans have been baying for a sequel since it came out in 2014.

But how likely is it that Interstellar 2 will happen? Let’s take a look at the evidence.

There’s Scope For Interstellar 2

Will There Ever Be An Interstellar 2? Here’s What We Know

As Interstellar fans will know, the movie ended with a relatively ageless Cooper reuniting with his much, much older daughter Murphy on her deathbed before she urged him to return to Amelia Brand (Anne Hathaway), who was busy attempting to colonize Edmunds’ planet. The final scene of Interstellar saw Cooper stealing a spacecraft with robot buddy TARS (Bill Irwin) and heading through the wormhole to reunite with Amelia.

If Interstellar 2 were to happen, the story could pick back up with Cooper and Amelia colonizing Edmunds’ planet and explore the romance between them that was hinted at in the first film. Alternatively, an Interstellar sequel could go the spinoff route and focus on Cooper’s son Tom, who was a somewhat underdeveloped character. Interstellar 2 could even take the form of a prequel-sequel and follow astronauts Miller, Edmunds and Mann as they first arrived on their planets. Either way, there’s plenty of potential plotlines Interstellar 2 could follow up on.

Christopher Nolan Hasn’t Mentioned An Interstellar Sequel

Although there’s definitely scope for an Interstellar sequel and enough demand from Nolan’s fans to justify it, the director hasn’t said anything publicly about plans he might have for Interstellar 2. However, Nolan is notoriously tight-lipped about his future projects but given the lack of sequels in his oeuvre it would seem his silence regarding a possible Interstellar sequel isn’t to do with secrecy.

Interstellar 2 Isn’t Happening… At Least For Now

Cooper cries when recieving a phonecall from Murph in Interstellar

All things considered, it’s pretty safe to say Interstellar 2 won’t be happening anytime soon and if it ever did, it’s likely Christopher Nolan won’t be helming it. It’s probably for the best; Interstellar is an amazing standalone sci-fi and it’s likely a sequel wouldn’t be able to match or top it in terms of quality.

On the upside, while Interstellar 2 isn’t happening, Christopher Nolan fans do have his upcoming action-thriller Tenet to look forward to.