Will Red Dead Redemption 2 Come To PS5 Like GTA Did?

Will Red Dead Redemption 2 Come To PS5 Like GTA Did?

Rockstar Games confirmed Grand Theft Auto V is being ported to the PS5, and this has only increased speculation about whether Red Dead Redemption 2 will also be made available on next-gen consoles. Though the company has not officially confirmed anything, the evidence seems to suggest it’s very likely both the original Red Dead Redemption, as well as RDR2, could be made available for the PS5 and Xbox Series X.

Red Dead Redemption originally came out in 2010 and followed the adventures of John Marston as he tried to track down his old gang members while his family is being threatened by the FBI. The game’s sequel – Red Dead Redemption 2 – was released in 2018 and provided context about events that happened before Red Dead Redemption. The game’s main protagonist is Arthur Morgan, one of the leading members of the Van der Linde gang.

A remastered version of RDR or RDR2 would mean crisper graphics and smoother gameplay, thanks to the impressive hardware and mechanics of next-gen consoles. It would also be an opportunity to expand the game’s content by including new side missions, cutscenes, or improved gameplay elements. Perhaps they could even make fishing less boring.

Rockstar Already Confirmed GTA 5 Is Being Remastered

Will Red Dead Redemption 2 Come To PS5 Like GTA Did?

Rockstar Games confirmed during Sony’s reveal event that GTA 5 will be ported for the PlayStation 5, and although they haven’t mentioned other consoles yet, this implies gamers can also expect to see the title available on Microsoft’s Xbox Series X. By reaffirming Rockstar’s commitment to staying on top of trends in the industry, the promise confirmed of a remastered GTA also provides hope that the RDR series could see a facelift, too. Sony has confirmed they plan to hold several more reveal events during this summer, so not only can gamers expect to hear more updates about the next-gen version of GTA 5, but an announcement about RDR or RDR2 for PS5 and Xbox Series X may also be on the horizon.

Leaks Support RDR & RDR2 Remastered Versions

arthur morgan in red dead redemption 2

Earlier this month, rumors suggested that Rockstar is currently remaking Red Dead Redemption for both PS5 and Xbox Series X. This would involve completely remaking the engine in order to make it compatible with the next-gen consoles. The leak also claimed the developers are crafting new side missions and gameplay elements inspired by RDR2. The RDR remaster will likely be announced later this year and released in 2021, the unconfirmed information suggested.

Leaked Amazon listings appear to also suggest the Red Dead Redemption franchise could be remastered for next-gen consoles. On June 11th, the same day as Sony’s Future of Gaming event, several Reddit users appeared to uncover evidence suggesting a RDR and RDR2 remaster is in the works. The post explained that “six delisted links to Rockstar Games titles, three for Xbox Series X, three for PlayStation 5” had been leaked, meaning three games are likely in development with versions for each console. The thread’s original poster, u/SirenAttack, argued one of these games is likely GTA 5, considering Rockstar has already confirmed a next-gen version is being made for PS5. But it’s also likely that the other two games belong to Red Dead Redemption and Red Dead Redemption 2, Rockstar’s most successful games next to the GTA series.

Though nothing has officially been confirmed, it wouldn’t be surprising to see Rockstar Games announce Red Dead Redemption or Red Dead Redemption 2 for next-gen consoles at some point in the near future.