Why The Amazing Race Fans Are Tired Of European Legs

Why The Amazing Race Fans Are Tired Of European Legs

The Amazing Race has been to every corner of the globe in its 34 seasons, but this year, fans think they are spending too much time in Europe. From the glaciers of Iceland to the deserts of Kuwait, the show has placed its contestants in locations worldwide. However, in recent seasons, the show has been sticking to a Euro-centric race map, much to the chagrin of fans.

The Amazing Race‘s COVID-19 protocols have changed numerous aspects of the race, but one change that has come up recently is the fact that racers have stayed on the European continent for the entirety of the season, aside from two legs in Jordan. Reddit user u/logorlan recently made a thread explaining, “I am getting tired of Europe, all of which is starting to look the same to me.” This is because The Amazing Race 34 has stayed mainly in the Alps, giving the season a monotonous look in terms of scenery.

The Amazing Race Has Overused Countries Such As France & Italy

Why The Amazing Race Fans Are Tired Of European Legs

Not only has the race stayed in Europe, but the countries visited are ones that have been seen numerous times throughout the series. Reddit user commented on the thread, “France is the modern version of India in the Amazing Race. It’s a mainstay, over-abused country.” Although The Amazing Race 34 went to the never-before-visited country Jordan, it also spent multiple legs in overused countries such as France, Germany, and Italy. Of its 34 seasons, The Amazing Race has visited France in 14 of them, tying with China for the most visited country outside the United States.

Some fans came to the defense of the show, remarking that COVID-19 protocols prevented producers from creating a more varied course. Another Reddit user remarked, “A pandemic accommodation for sure, plus limitations with the charter plane.” Even with there being COVID-friendly countries on other continents, the charter plane used is only capable of making six-hour flights or less. This is due to the limitations of the plane as well as the high cost of fuel. With The Amazing Race teams no longer booking flights on their own, a multi-continental course is out of the picture until COVID-19 protocols are removed.

Although The Amazing Race is limited to a shorter distance than before, it has still been able to show new parts of these commonly visited countries. Racers traveled to Toulouse, France, in leg 7 of The Amazing Race 34, which has previously never been seen on the show. COVID-19 protocols may restrict The Amazing Race, but the excitement of new discoveries continues in small ways.

The Amazing Race airs Wednesdays at 9 p.m. EST on CBS.