Why Samsung Deleted A Facebook Post Mocking Apple’s iPhone 12

Why Samsung Deleted A Facebook Post Mocking Apple’s iPhone 12

Samsung has deleted a Facebook post that made light of Apple’s decision to not include a charger with the iPhone 12. The move follows suggestions that Samsung will follow suit by shipping its upcoming Galaxy S21 smartphone without a charger too. While there are now arguments both for and against including chargers with new smartphones, ultimately it is the manufacturers — not consumers — who are most likely to benefit.

Like Apple, Samsung produces some of the very best smartphones available, with the cutting-edge technology employed in them leading the way where many other manufacturers follow. The Galaxy S8, for example, was praised for its lack of a physical home button and Infinity Display, with other manufacturers subsequently releasing bezel-less smartphones. In contrast, Apple has tended to resist including certain technologies until they meet its standards. It has yet to release a bezel-less iPhone, for example, which remains the only flagship smartphone with an extra-wide notch.

Apple did, however, lead on the decision not to include a USB wall charger and wired earphones with its latest smartphones, the iPhone 12 models. The firm says the decision is aimed at helping to reduce carbon emissions and the use of precious materials while recognizing that many buyers already have compatible chargers. Many manufacturers attacked Apple’s decision, most notably Samsung. A post on Samsung’s Caribbean Facebook page read, “Your #Galaxy does give you what you are looking for. From the most basic as a charger, to the best camera, battery, performance, memory and even 120Hz screen.” However, while the post mocked Apple back in October, reports subsequently suggested that the Samsung Galaxy S21 might also ship without a wall charger, with more recent filings appearing to confirm this.

Samsung Often Mocks Apple

Why Samsung Deleted A Facebook Post Mocking Apple’s iPhone 12

Apple does not tend to mention other manufacturers when advertising its products to consumers. Samsung, on the other hand, is known for its attacks on Apple. In 2017, Samsung released a commercial outlining the inferiority of iPhones compared to Galaxy phones. Samsung then mocked Apple for its decision to remove the headphone jack with the release of the iPhone 7, but Samsung eventually did the same thing starting with the Galaxy Note 10.

If, when the Galaxy S21 is released in the new year, it is indeed sold without a charger in the box, it will be another instance of Samsung coming round to Apple’s way of thinking. With so many people having compatible chargers from other devices these days, the move can help to reduce unneeded electronics production while, crucially, helping to increase margins for the manufacturers. While the two companies are perceived to be bitter rivals where smartphones are concerned, they both, ultimately, have one goal: profit.