Why Ronald Reagan Is In The New Call Of Duty Game

Why Ronald Reagan Is In The New Call Of Duty Game

An official reveal trailer for Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War has finally dropped, and it’s creating all sorts of hype. The trailer shows off returning characters like Alex Mason, Jason Hudson, and Frank Woods, as well as new characters. One of these new characters is none other than the 40th President of the United States, Ronald Reagan.

The plot of Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War concerns a mysterious Soviet spy, Perseus, who allegedly gave the Vietcong a nuclear weapon. Tensions are already high, especially between the United States and Soviet Russia, and Perseus is making things tenser. Details of a top-secret mission are discussed in a meeting inside the Situation Room of the White House. Commanding the meeting is none other than Ronald Reagan.

From Black Ops Cold War’s reveal trailer, it seems Reagan is being portrayed by a spot-on voice actor, and his in-game character model looks eerily similar to the real former president. It shouldn’t be too much of a surprise to find a sitting president inside a meeting at the White House, or in a Call of Duty game. Black Ops has featured real presidents before — the story of the original even played into the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Still, some people may be confused why it’s Reagan specifically, and why exactly that ties so closely to the plot of Black Ops Cold War.

How Ronald Reagan Ties To The Plot Of Black Ops Cold War

Why Ronald Reagan Is In The New Call Of Duty Game

So, why is Ronald Reagan in the new Call of Duty game? The title says it all. The new Call of Duty Black Ops game takes place at the height of the Cold War, when Reagan was President of the United States. Historically, Ronald Reagan would be the most accurate president to represent America’s involvement in the Cold War during the 1980’s. Reagan could also tie closely to the game’s plot, especially if the narrative goes through the Cold War’s ending in 1989.

If the game is going for historical accuracy, then Reagan perfectly embodies Cold War America in the ’80s. But how much will the 40th President play into the game’s story? It remains to be seen whether Reagan will simply be a figurehead, someone to give players their mission before taking a backseat, or if he’ll be a fully fleshed-out character.

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War releases on November 13th for PC, PS4, and Xbox One. It will also release on next-gen consoles Holiday 2020. Until then, we’ll have to wait to see how major of a role Ronald Reagan plays in the game.