Why Rodan Can Be In 2 Upcoming MonsterVerse Projects

Why Rodan Can Be In 2 Upcoming MonsterVerse Projects

Rodan has the potential to appear in two separate MonsterVerse installments. Thus far, the King of the Skies’ presence in the MonsterVerse hasn’t gone beyond Godzilla: King of the Monsters. However, there’s no reason why he can’t come back for another live-action appearance.

As things stand, Legendary has three MonsterVerse projects in the works. In 2024, Legendary will release an untitled sequel to Godzilla vs. Kong, which will bring Adam Wingard back on board as director. Each of the movie’s two titular Titans will also be featured in their own TV shows as well. Kong will lead a Skull Island anime on Netflix, whereas Godzilla has a live-action MonsterVerse show on the horizon, which will be set after the battle of San Francisco in 2014’s Godzilla movie. Here’s why Rodan has an opportunity to be in two of the three confirmed projects.

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How The MonsterVerse Has Set Up More Rodan Stories

Why Rodan Can Be In 2 Upcoming MonsterVerse Projects

Of the three Toho kaiju added to the MonsterVerse in King of the Monsters, only Rodan survived the battle in Boston. In a showing of respect, Rodan bowed down to Godzilla at the end of the movie, thus positioning himself to be a minion to the new alpha. But instead of fighting at Godzilla’s side in Godzilla vs. Kong, he was nowhere to be found. For now, there’s no official word on whether or not Legendary has any plans to use Rodan again, but the movie’s decision to keep him alive is a good sign that the MonsterVerse at least has an interest in revisiting him.

By making him a minion to Godzilla, King of the Monsters laid the groundwork for Rodan to get a role in a future MonsterVerse movie that’s somewhat accurate to his portrayal in Toho’s films. Admittedly, Rodan has never been subservient to Godzilla, but he has been known to team up with Godzilla. In fact, they were depicted as a duo in Invasion of the Astro Monster and Ghidorah, the Three-Headed Monster. King of the Monsters never adapted this aspect of their relationship, but did make it a possibility for a later story.

Rodan Can Help Godzilla in Godzilla vs. Kong 2

Godzilla 2 King of the Monsters Rodan

A reveal in Godzilla vs. Kong prequel graphic novel Godzilla: Dominion confirmed that Rodan and the original Titans from Kings of the Monsters weren’t on hand in Godzilla vs. Kong because they were all asleep. Having grown tired from patrolling the planet and keeping them all in line, Godzilla called them back into hibernation. He may have deemed waking them up unnecessary when tracking down Mechagodzilla, but higher stakes in Godzilla vs. Kong 2 could lead to an entirely different situation.

A synopsis for the film revealed that Godzilla and Kong would have to contend with an “undiscovered threat” that will “challenge their very existence.” For now, it’s unclear if the aforementioned “threat” refers to one monster or several. If it’s the latter option, that would explain why Godzilla and Kong’s lives would be at risk if it returns. It could be that what they’re facing is so dangerous that Godzilla will be forced to summon his allies. Godzilla vs. Kong 2’s villains may be too powerful to defeat without help from other Titans. If this happens, the MonsterVerse can finally deliver its own take on the iconic Godzilla-Rodan team-up.

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Godzilla’s Show Can Return To Rodan’s Volcano

Alternatively, the MonsterVerse can dive into an earlier point in Rodan’s timeline via Godzilla’s Apple TV+ show. In 1991, Monarch discovered Rodan’s presence in the Isla de Mara volcano and built an outpost there to monitor him. Since the show is expected to deal with Monarch’s secrets and activities related to the Titans, it would make sense for some of the character to visit one of their bases and check up on one of the hibernating monsters. It’s worth noting that a photo of Rodan’s resting place was quietly included in an official image posted to Legendary’s Instagram page, which strengthens the possibility of this storyline actually playing out [via Instagram].

An episode or two set in Mexico could take a look at an investigation into the region’s legendary Fire Demon or Monarch’s connection to the volcano. Finding room for an actual appearance from Rodan, though, could prove tricky, but such a scenario isn’t unfathomable. It’s assumed that Rodan remained dormant until King of the Monsters, but it’s at least possible that he was briefly stirred by other events taking place in the MonsterVerse, forcing Monarch to do what they could to keep him contained. That being said, where Godzilla’s show fits into the timeline creates limitations for what the show can do with him without breaking MonsterVerse canon.

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