Why Peach Became A Princess Instead Of A Queen In Super Mario Bros. Movie

Why Peach Became A Princess Instead Of A Queen In Super Mario Bros. Movie

Peach remains a princess in The Super Mario Bros. Movie instead of finally becoming the Queen of the Mushroom Kingdom. Since the introduction of Peach in the Super Mario Bros. game released in 1985, she has always been a princess needing to be saved. Though Peach is taking on a greater role in helping Mario save Luigi from the clutches of the evil Bowser, she continues to be only a princess.

Voiced by Anya-Taylor Joy in The Super Mario Bros. Movie, Princess Peach has a relatively unknown backstory. With plenty of theories on being a human adopted into the Mushroom Kingdom, fans are still waiting for Peach to become a queen. The Super Mario Bros. Movie continues the ancient Princess Peach mystery concerning her royal title and parentage.

Peach Rules The Mushroom Kingdom, But Isn’t Called A Queen

Why Peach Became A Princess Instead Of A Queen In Super Mario Bros. Movie

As the daughter of the Mushroom King, Peach receives her royal title from her father but has yet to become the queen of the Mushroom Kingdom. Peach has always been considered a princess, never gaining a higher title. There’s no real reason given for Peach not moving up the ranks of the kingdom. However, looking into the Japanese monarchy may reveal a valid answer.

Despite being the clear ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom and no signs that the Mushroom King is still alive, Peach is unlikely to become the queen because females cannot inherit the throne, according to the Japanese monarchy. Peach retaining her princess title may mean she’s not permitted to hold the title of queen. Though The Super Mario Bros. Movie avoids Peach being a damsel in distress, it’s also possible Peach remains a princess to support her damsel role and make her appear weaker. As Peach’s role evolves, it’s possible to see a Queen Peach in the future.

Super Mario Bros’ Comics Featured The Mushroom King As Peach’s Father

King Toadstool and Princess Peach

The Mushroom King, also known as King Toadstool, has never appeared in any games but has a prominent role in the comics. King Toadstool is illustrated in the comics as a short man with royal robes and a mustache similar to Luigi with a crown sitting atop a black mushroom cap. King Toadstool is first introduced when named Princess Peach’s father in her character guide for the original Super Mario Bros. game.

In the comics, King Toadstool is depicted as very dimwitted as he’s completely unaffected by a Stupid Bomb meant to lower intelligence, perhaps giving Princess Peach a valid reason to rule in his stead. The elderly Toadsworth, regularly seen alongside Princess Peach, is often mistaken for King Toadstool but is just Peach’s steward. The Super Mario Bros. Movie continues the tradition of not including the Mushroom King, adding more fuel to the fire around Peach’s royal title.