Why Ninja Really Left Twitch For Mixer

Why Ninja Really Left Twitch For Mixer

Ninja’s manager has pulled the curtain back further on why it is the popular Twitch streamer abandoned the platform in order to pursue a career on Mixer. There’s no denying the impact Ninja has had on gaming, as he has helped bring streaming and video games in general into the mainstream limelight in ways that have never been done before. That’s why the popular streamer, best known for Fortnite, has done it all. That’s the world was shocked when it was announced that Ninja was abandoning Twitch in favor of the Microsoft-owned Mixer.

So far, Ninja has seen a lot of success on the new platform. He has amassed over 1.5 million subscribers since joining Mixer, and that will likely continue to go up for the duration of his contract. Still, there have been some signs of bad blood between Ninja and Twitch in the wake of the move, after the streaming service allowed porn to be played on the Ninja’s old account. It was a bad look for Twitch to be sure, and now Ninja’s manager has opened up more about why the decision was made to abandon Twitch in favor of Mixer.

During an interview between Business Insider and Jessica Blevins (the manager and wife of Tyler ‘Ninja’ Blevins), more details were spilled regarding why the decision to leave Twitch was made. According to Jessica, it felt like Twitch just “did not listen to us.”

“Everything we were asking, it never came back reflecting our wishes — and that’s completely outside of finances. And for us, two people who were streaming on Twitch, it was really upsetting for us to go months and months and keep reiterating that we love you guys, we’ve been here for a long time, but the things that are in the contract right now just don’t make sense.”

Why Ninja Really Left Twitch For Mixer

Furthermore, the contract with Twitch wouldn’t allow Ninja to pursue opportunities outside of gaming. According to his manager, this was another major point in Mixer’s favor as Microsoft was willing to allow Jessica and Tyler the autonomy to grow the Ninja brand in a more sensible way. So it’s entirely possible that the Twitch contract would have barred Ninja’s new deal with Adidas, for example.

“With the wording of how that contract was going, he wouldn’t have been able to grow his brand much outside of gaming. There were already conflicts with his current sponsors and resigning with that platform. And we were like, ‘Straight up, guys, we’ve worked so, so hard to grow the Ninja brand to license things and get his name out there. We can’t go backwards with it.’ So that’s where that deal just really started not making sense.”

Outside of that, Jessica claims that Tyler had grown tired of the toxicity in Twitch’s chat. Because of this, he felt that Mixer presented a better opportunity to engage with nicer viewers, and apparently, that has been the case so far.