Why MBFFL Fans Can’t Take Whitney’s No BS Active App Seriously

Why MBFFL Fans Can’t Take Whitney’s No BS Active App Seriously

Whitney Way Thore’s fitness company has started to pick up traction and gain the attention of My Big Fat Fabulous Life fans, but it isn’t as popular as she hoped. The social media influencer turned business entrepreneur is expanding her fitness company to reach a broader audience. However, when Whitney recently shared details of her No BS Active app online, it didn’t receive the feedback she was hoping for.

My Big Fat Fabulous Life’s Whitney not only has a love for dance but also loves to help others discover their own capabilities and confidence through fitness. She is a big proponent of inclusion in all aspects of life, and her goal is to use her company, No BS Active, to bridge that gap. Whitney has been an inspiration to others by proving the scale doesn’t have to define self-worth or create barriers to living an authentic and purposeful life, but her passion alone may not be enough.

MBFFL Fans Don’t Think Whitney Thore Is Qualified

Whitney shared a walk-through on Instagram of her No BS Active fitness app detailing the courses and videos in the program. She captioned her post, “The program is designed for everyone from beginners to athletes, and we incorporate modifications for each exercise to suit your specific level. Plus, we have hundreds of tutorials if you need even further explanation of movements.” While it is true that Whitney has a background in dance dating back to her high school years, she doesn’t have any professional credentials. This fact has rubbed many My Big Fat Fabulous Life fans the wrong way, prompting them to feel that Whitney is too inconsistent to take her fitness company seriously.

In the comments of Whitney’s Instagram post, one of her followers asked her if she ever completed the training to become a certified personal trainer, and Whitney responded, “still working on it.” u/Desperate-Raccoon-50 also started a thread on Reddit discussing Whitney’s lack of training and skilled knowledge to make her qualified to create fitness content and give advice, writing, “Some days I wonder if she knows what is real and what is fake anymore.” Another Reddit user commented on the thread, “Why would anyone want to follow workout advice of somebody who doesn’t have their personal trainer certification?!

MBFFL Fans Think Whitney Thore Is Lazy

Why MBFFL Fans Can’t Take Whitney’s No BS Active App Seriously

MBFFL fans have judged Whitney for her lack of effort and tendency to make excuses when she is faced with challenges regarding her own health. She has found it difficult to stick to a consistent diet and exercise regimen and often blames her lack of results on her PCOS diagnosis for her slow incremental success. My Big Fat Fabulous Life fans feel that Whitney shouldn’t be promoting fitness and wellness content and selling it for a profit when she doesn’t follow her own guidance and advice. Another user responded to the Reddit thread by writing, “I bet she would make every excuse in the book not to show up for sessions. So lazy.”

Although Whitney’s body-positive fitness company may have missed the mark in some ways, the My Big Fat Fabulous Life star is proud of her brand and the hard work that has gone into creating it. Implementing an app into her No BS Active business will make it easier for people to access the content. Since Whitney’s company is still fairly new, only time will tell if her brand will reach mainstream success.

Sources: u/Desperate-Raccoon-50/Reddit, Whitney Thore/Instagram