Why MBFFL Fans Are Doubting Whitney Thore’s Weight Loss

Whitney Way Thore has been working toward a healthier lifestyle but fans of My Big Fat Fabulous Life are skeptical of her weight loss. She has always made it clear that her intention to get fit wasn’t for the sole purpose of losing weight. The reality star loves her body and is comfortable in her own skin, but she also understands the importance of overall health and wellness.

My Big Fat Fabulous Life‘s Whitney Way Thore has struggled with health issues as a result of her PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), and she has worked to bring awareness to the common medical diagnosis. She is an advocate for body positivity and feels it is important for everyone to love themselves no matter what. Her approach to weight loss is often criticized because her frame of mind is centered on how she feels and not a particular number on the scale.

My Big Fat Fabulous Life Fans Are Questioning Whitney Thore’s Progress

Growing up, Whitney was very active and loved staying in shape through dance. In high school, she was involved in dance as an extracurricular, and that passion carried over throughout her time in college as well. However, when Whitney was diagnosed with PCOS, she started to put on weight rapidly and struggled to complete the choreographed moves with ease as she once did. Despite the difficulties, she didn’t let her circumstances stop her from doing what she loved, and now she is trying to take charge of her health while documenting her changes.

Reddit user u/MrsMandelbrot started a thread discussing Whitney’s progress, commenting that they thought the My Big Fat Fabulous Life star looked amazing. However, not all fans agreed with her opinion and doubted if Whitney has truly made a change. The Reddit post included a screenshot from Whitney’s Instagram showing off her body in a mirror. While she seems to be proud of her progress, some fans felt Whitney’s recent weight loss may only be an illusion. A Reddit user commented on the thread, saying, “It’s great if Whitney is losing weight, but she is also pretty good at taking pictures that make herself look thinner than what she actually is.”

My Big Fat Fabulous Life Fans Think Whitney’s Weight Loss Is Smoke & Mirrors

Whitney has been open about not changing herself to fit the societal standard of beauty, and fans don’t think that has changed. The powerful Instagram influencer has championed against bullying and shed light on the stereotypes that are associated with people of a larger size. Her platform is based on breaking barriers and not letting her weight or other people’s preconceived notions define her, and My Big Fat Fabulous Life fans don’t see her giving that up. Another Reddit user commented on the thread, “Smoke and dusty mirrors. Or if she is losing weight, it’ll be temporary.”

Since Whitney’s mother, Barbara ‘Babs’ Thore passed away, she has struggled with the loss, but she has spent more time with her father, Glenn Thore, getting out of the house and being active. Even if the My Big Fat Fabulous Life star hasn’t lost a significant amount of weight, she remains true to loving herself no matter her size. It hasn’t been confirmed if the photo is recent or if it is an older selfie from Whitney’s camera roll, but fans haven’t found any reason to give her credit.