Why Kreese’s Best Cobra Kai Dojo Replacement Is Dutch

Why Kreese’s Best Cobra Kai Dojo Replacement Is Dutch

In Cobra Kai, Dutch (Chad McQueen) could fill a void left by Johnny (William Zabka) at Kreese’s dojo and potentially even replace the main villain as well. Dutch was one of four Cobra Kai students who helped Johnny bully Daniel (Ralph Macchio) in 1984’s The Karate Kid. A season 2 episode of Cobra Kai saw Johnny reunite with Jimmy (Tony O’Dell), Bobby (Ron Thomas), and Tommy (Rob Garrison). The only character missing was Dutch, with the in-story explanation being that he’s serving time in federal prison.

Those involved with Cobra Kai made efforts to bring Dutch back, but Chad McQueen – son of Hollywood icon Steve McQueen – had left his acting career behind to focus on racing. Because of his busy schedule, they weren’t able to work out a return. However, McQueen could always change his mind and reprise his role as Dutch in the future.

If Cobra Kai season 4 were to feature Dutch, he could end up being integral to the storyline with the warring dojos. Jimmy, Tommy, and Bobby cut their ties with Cobra Kai and moved on with their lives decades ago, but Dutch is one character who could still be interested in being associated with Kreese (Martin Kove). The others disapproved of the things their sensei had them do at the end of The Karate Kid, but Dutch had different opinions. He actually liked Kreese’s overly violent approach and dirty tactics at the All-Valley Karate Tournament. That, combined with the revelation he’s in prison, are indications he may not have gone down the redemptive path his friends did.

Why Kreese’s Best Cobra Kai Dojo Replacement Is Dutch

It’s possible that if Dutch were to get out of prison, he’d be sought out by his former instructor. After taking over the dojo, Kreese tried to get Johnny to come back, so it’s clear he’s interested in having others help teach his students. Johnny unsurprisingly turned down the offer, but it’s quite possible Dutch wouldn’t. His aggression in The Karate Kid shows that Dutch exemplifies the qualities Kreese looks for, and he could see in him the potential to be what Johnny refused to be. Dutch fulfilling this role could lead to all sorts of interesting interactions, particularly with Johnny, who may try to appeal to their friendship as a way of making him realize he’s making a mistake.

If that doesn’t work, there’s no telling how long he could remain with Kreese. Depending on how things play out at the next tournament, Dutch could get an expanded role in Cobra Kai season 5 or later. After all, the show may eventually end the Kreese story and put someone else in charge of Cobra Kai. Terry Silver (Ian Thomas Griffith) has the ruthlessness to pull it off, but as the rich CEO of a company, running a small dojo doesn’t seem like his style. A much better fit is Dutch and as Kreese’s pupil, he can continue his sensei’s legacy.