Why Is So Hard To Change An Instagram Story Background Color?

Why Is So Hard To Change An Instagram Story Background Color?

Instagram’s current settings make it hard to change the background color of an Instagram Story. With background color being an important component when creating aesthetically-pleasing Stories, it’s a wonder why the current layout of the Story settings makes it so difficult for users to choose a color that they want. There are numerous examples of why this process is so difficult for users and many reasons why the process should be streamlined.

Instagram’s interface for creating Stories allows for a lot of creativity and formatting styles and the Create Mode within the Stories feature does offer a background color picker at the bottom right corner. However, this button only provides an option of eight different backgrounds and not all of them are solid colors. The current available backgrounds are black, gray, pink-orange gradient, pink-blue gradient, green-blue gradient, orange-yellow gradient, purple-pink gradient, and a rainbow gradient.

For many users, these options won’t provide enough variety to allow for customizing their Instagram Stories. Additionally, every time a user upload a photo to their story, the background color changes to become a close match to the background of the image uploaded. Once this happens, the user no longer has access to the background color picker with the eight options that were available in Create Mode. There are no other options that are visibly laid out for users to customize the background color, leaving them stuck with a background color based on the photo they uploaded. 

Instagram Stories: How Background Colors Could Be Easier

Why Is So Hard To Change An Instagram Story Background Color?

Currently, users may resort to downloading backgrounds of different colors onto their camera roll and uploading that to serve as their story background. Although this process does work, it’s time-consuming and forces users to stray away from any inbuilt options in the Instagram Story settings. Additionally, if a user actually wants to change the background color within the app, they are forced to go through the drawing tool and the highlight tool in order to select and change a color. Even then, this process forces users to re-upload any photos they may have previously selected. Both of these options take too much time, and the Instagram editing capabilities are obscure and hidden on the app. 

To make the process easier, Instagram could consider allowing users to access a color toolbar on the bottom of the Story screen for easy customization, similar to the color taskbar that can be displayed when editing text. Additionally, this option should be available in both Create Mode and after uploading a photo, preventing users from being forced to go through multiple paths just to change the background color. Hopefully, Instagram will take note of some of the current complaints about changing background colors for Stories and make even just picking colors easier, let alone the whole process.