Why Einstein Is In Nolan’s Oppenheimer Movie (Did He Work On The Atom Bomb?)

Why Einstein Is In Nolan’s Oppenheimer Movie (Did He Work On The Atom Bomb?)

Albert Einstein will appear in Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer, and here’s how the famous scientist is connected to the real-life story, including his role in the development of the atomic bomb. Albert Einstein is arguably the world’s most famous scientist, with his role in the history of theoretical physics earning him his prestigious legacy. Due to the time period and subject matter of Christopher Nolan’s upcoming Oppenheimer biopic, it makes sense for Albert Einstein to appear in the film, and here is how the scientist could be connected to the story of Oppenheimer and the movie’s narrative of the development of the first nuclear weapons.

Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer is the highly-anticipated historical biopic that will focus on the life and legacy of the American theoretical physicist, J. Robert Oppenheimer. J. Robert Oppenheimer is most famous for his heavy role in the development of the first atomic bomb, as well as his later advocacy against the use of nuclear weapons and regret for his involvement in the project. Alongside Cillian Murphy’s Oppenheimer, the film is set to feature a wide variety of real-life historical figures and scientists, with a recent trailer for Oppenheimer revealing Albert Einstein’s appearance in the upcoming movie.

Related: Oppenheimer True Story: The Real Manhattan Project Explained

How Einstein Knew J. Robert Oppenheimer

Why Einstein Is In Nolan’s Oppenheimer Movie (Did He Work On The Atom Bomb?)

Although Albert Einstein and J. Robert Oppenheimer are two of history’s most well-known theoretical physicists, the duo actually didn’t know each other until much later in life. According to Oppenheimer’s 1966 article “On Albert Einstein,” Oppenheimer and Einstein knew each other for two or three decades, although they become close friends in the last decade leading up to Einstein’s death. Oppenheimer and Einstein first met during Einstein’s world-round trip in 1932, with the duo having their first encounter when Einstein came to visit Cal Tech. This was the first instance of their long partnership, although many of the details of their relationship remain unknown.

Although the two described each other as friends and colleagues, Oppenheimer and Einstein had their disagreements. Einstein disagreed with Oppenheimer’s positions on quantum mechanics, with the two undoubtedly having long debates about the topic throughout their lives. While giving a 1965 speech at the headquarters of UNESCO, Oppenheimer lovingly described Einstein as “childlike and profoundly stubborn,” proving that the two scientists did have their conflicts and disagreements. Although the two scientists were separated by thousands of miles, that didn’t stop Oppenheimer and Einstein from collaborating throughout their lives, with both of them ending up as the most well-respected individuals in their field of theoretical physics.

Einstein Wasn’t Directly Involved In Creating Oppenheimer’s Nuclear Weapon

Oppenheimer Poster featuring Cillian Murphy

Although Albert Einstein is often associated with the creation of the atomic bomb, he actually wasn’t directly involved in the development of J. Robert Oppenheimer’s nuclear weapon. The Manhattan Project was notoriously an incredibly difficult project to get involved in, with Oppenheimer only being able to get his foot in the door due to one of his former lecturers working on the project. In fact, Albert Einstein was denied access to work on the atomic bomb, with him not being granted the clearance he needed due to his political leanings and German connections causing him to be deemed a security risk by the US government.

Interestingly, Albert Einstein was one of the scientific community’s most vocal advocates against the use of nuclear weaponry in warfare. Albert Einstein was famously a pacifist throughout his life, although he did sign a letter to President Roosevelt in 1939 encouraging the United States to begin researching nuclear weaponry. Einstein only did this because he believed that Germany had the ability to develop nuclear weaponry of their own, holding that the United States needed to beat the Axis powers to the punch. However, Einstein later went on to regret this decision, dedicating much of the rest of his life to advocating against the atomic bomb.

Related: How Oppenheimer Died, & What It Means For Nolan’s Movie

What Einstein’s Role In Nolan’s Oppenheimer Movie Could Be

Cillian Murphy as Oppenheimer looking down at a light source

Although Einstein probably won’t be in Oppenheimer much, his role could have a significant impact on the film. It’s possible that Einstein could meet with Oppenheimer in an attempt to convince him to stop working on the atomic bomb. Einstein’s outcry against nuclear weaponry will no doubt have a role in the film, causing a bit of conflict among the main characters. Oppenheimer could also explore Oppenheimer and Einstein’s partnership, possibly even showing the duo establishing the World Academy of Art and Science in 1960. Einstein’s role in Oppenheimer is still up in the air, making it one of the film’s most exciting mysteries.