Why DWTS Fans Are Too Hard On Tyra Banks

Why DWTS Fans Are Too Hard On Tyra Banks

Tyra Banks is hosting her third season of Dancing With The Stars, and it might be time for fans to go easier on her. Ever since Tom Bergeron was fired from the series and replaced by Tyra, fans have had mostly negative things to say about the former America’s Next Top Model host. Tyra has received more criticism than anyone else in the series, even some of the controversial contestants. Tyra has mostly ignored the negative feedback, but during DWTS Disney+ night, she apologized to Charli D’Amelio for messing up her boyfriend Landon Barker’s name on live television.

While Tyra has made some mistakes on DWTS, fans are too hard on her and should really lighten up. For DWTS seasons 29 and 30, Tyra carried the show on her own. While Tom was hosting the show, he was joined by several cohosts throughout the series, which lightened the workload. DWTS season 19 champion Alfonso Ribeiro joined Tyra for season 31, but before that, she was on her own. Hosting a live show on her own was quite the challenge, and while she now has a cohost, the switch to Disney+ means no commercial breaks. Tyra may sometimes appear overwhelmed, but if fans considered how much she has to get done in the two-hour time frame without a break for commercials, they’d be more understanding.

DWTS Fans Should Stop Criticizing Tyra Banks’ Personality

Why DWTS Fans Are Too Hard On Tyra Banks

DWTS fans are also too harsh when it comes to Tyra’s personality. Whether she was strutting down the Victoria’s Secret Runway, hosting The Tyra Banks Show, or coaching contestants on ANTM, Tyra has always showcased her extroverted personality. Some fans love it, and some fans hate it, but in the two decades that she’s been in the spotlight, she’s never stopped being herself. It’s one thing for fans to call Tyra out for making mistakes or doing things they find disrespectful, but attacking who Tyra is, is out of line. The DWTS host can’t change who she is, and fans need to stop comparing her to Tom because the two are drastically different people.

Tyra is still fairly new to the show, and while fans may have loved Tom from day one, they shouldn’t compare his work throughout the years to Tyra’s first three seasons. If they want to call Tyra out for something, they should do it respectfully, focusing on what she did wrong instead of attacking her as a person. They could also try changing their perspective on Tyra. Instead of going into the show expecting her to mess up, they could have compassion for how hard she is trying.

Fans are not always wrong about Tyra, and there are ways their feedback can help her become a better host. If she takes their advice, while ignoring the harsh and unhelpful criticism, it will benefit her. Unfortunately, all the vicious criticism makes it hard for anyone to see anything helpful that fans might have to say. Even though Tyra has had some mishaps on DWTS, the cruel attacks from fans are unnecessary, and in the future, they should go easier on the host.

Dancing With The Stars airs Mondays at 8 p.m. on Disney+.