Why Big Brother Fans Want Joseph Abdin to Win America’s Favorite Player

Why Big Brother Fans Want Joseph Abdin to Win America’s Favorite Player

With Big Brother 24 coming to a close on Sunday, September 25, viewers are starting to campaign for their favorites to win the fan-voted prize for America’s Favorite Player, and many want it to be Joseph Abdin. While the winner of the competition will walk away with a total of $750k and the runner-up with $75k, there is another prize up for grabs among the evicted house guests. In a long-running Big Brother tradition, one of the evicted house guests will take home the title of America’s Favorite Player, along with a prize of $25k. For what some are calling the most unpredictable Big Brother season ever, fans would be excited to see one last twist in the game.

After week 5 of the competition, house guests are put into a sequestered environment after they are evicted from the Big Brother house. This group of house guests is called jury members, who are given vital gameplay-based information throughout the rest of the competition so they can choose the winner. While they do get information on competition wins, they do not get to hear Diary Room sessions from actively competing players and typically only hear about social game moves from fellow jury members; however, the information can sometimes be unreliable. On finale night, the nine jury members cast their vote to crown the winner after 82 days of gameplay, making Big Brother 24 one of the shortest seasons in years. Once the winner and runner-up are announced, host Julie Chen-Moonves then reveals the winner of the fan-voted prize for America’s Favorite Player.

Fans feel that Joseph deserves to win America’s Favorite Player, as he was one of the masterminds behind The Leftovers alliance, which dominated the competition for the first seven weeks, and had some incredible social strategy throughout his time in the Big Brother house. Some fans feel Joseph was evicted unfairly, which has added to their desire to see him win the consolation prize. Joseph, who was evicted unanimously in week 7, spent the majority of the time in his house as a threat physically and mentally. Unfortunately, the Big Brother split house twist ruined Joseph’s game as several other house guests outed his alliances and ultimately evicted him after forming another alliance while in the Diary Room.

Why Big Brother Fans Want Joseph Abdin to Win America’s Favorite Player

Joseph was a loyal ally within The Leftovers, volunteering to be nominated during Taylor’s week 6 HOH reign to keep the alliance a secret and working to gain information from the other side of the house whenever possible. While that quality helped him stay on the good side of his allies, it hurt him in the long run as he couldn’t save himself without sinking his alliance. Joseph ultimately shared post-eviction that he did not regret keeping his alliance safe and was happy to have played the Big Brother game with loyalty. Even though some fans say this is poor social gameplay, others feel that his level of dedication warrants him the title of America’s Favorite Player, as BB‘s Joseph did not deserve to be evicted so soon.

Fans are hopeful that the end of the Big Brother season will play out in an entertaining and interesting way. Considering the rest of the season has been called one of the best seasons of Big Brother in years, it is possible that things will continue to be fresh in the final week of competition. While the $750k will go to one of the four remaining house guests, fans are thankful it’s not the only prize being handed out. With the possibility of Joseph taking America’s Favorite Player, fans may feel vindicated on finale night.