Why Batman Should Make Jason Todd A Bigger Part of The Bat-Family

Why Batman Should Make Jason Todd A Bigger Part of The Bat-Family

Warning! Spoilers ahead for Red Hood #52 from Shawn Martinbrough, Tony Akins, Moritat

In the latest issue of DC Comics’ Red Hooda new chapter has begun for Jason Todd. With the Outlaws being no more, Red Hood has returned to Gotham and hit the streets, finding himself dealing with the aftermath of the Joker War in the borough of the city known as the Hill. Gangs have become bolder, new villains have emerged, and the neighborhood watch has evolved, becoming amateur vigilantes in their own right. While Red Hood wasn’t sure how Batman would react to his return, it seems as though Batman may indeed approve.

Red Hood #51 was the beginning of this new chapter for Jason Todd, as the previous issues brought Scott Lobdell’s record-breaking run on Red Hood and the Outlaws to a close. Upon his arrival to the Hill, Red Hood became involved with old friends as well as new enemies. One such friend, Dana Harlowe, is soon revealed to be the amateur vigilante known as Strike, leading her own team of vigilantes known as The Watch. This new team arose out of necessity during Joker’s massive attack on the city. With Batman and his allies being busy in the city proper with the Joker himself, someone had to keep The Hill safe from all of his goons. Meanwhile, gang leaders such as Demetrius Korlee have gotten bolder, attempting to make bigger and bolder moves in his criminal empire. Not only that, but Gotham fashion designer Thomas Misell has decided to try and become a big-time villain, taking the name Tommy Maxx, hiring Killer Croc as his muscle, and betraying Korlee as his partner.

All things considered, the Hill has become a veritable powder keg, and Red Hood wastes no time in trying to stop it from exploding in Red Hood #52. While he doesn’t want Dana to get hurt, Red Hood does join Strike and her team to save Dana’s TV host sister from Tommy Maxx, who had taken her hostage in order to send a public message to Gotham. In the end, Maxx was taken down and The Hill was made safe for the time being. However, the truly cool part of Red Hood’s efforts was that all throughout he wasn’t sure if Batman would approve or appreciate his return to Gotham. The two do have a complicated relationship after all. However, upon returning home Jason finds a housewarming gift from Bruce himself.

Why Batman Should Make Jason Todd A Bigger Part of The Bat-Family

While the issue doesn’t reveal what the actual gift is, the thought and gifting itself is what matters, as Batman is seen on the rooftops outside Jason’s place with a smile on his face. This all seems to confirm that Batman is more than happy to see Jason’s return to Gotham (how often does Batman smile?). This could also indicate that Batman might even have an interest in seeing Red Hood take on a bigger role within the Bat-Family at large. Without a team of Outlaws to keep him busy anymore, perhaps readers will be able to expect some more stories in the future seeing Jason working more with the likes of Nightwing, Batgirl, and beyond. One can only hope.

While this first two-issue tale has come to a close, it will certainly be interesting to see what Todd does next. Having a more small-time focus on crime like he did here is quite interesting, and it seems to fit the Red Hood quite well. Perhaps this is what Jason could be doing for the long-term during his extended stay in Gotham? Batman can handle the bigger villains and rogues, while the Red Hood can maintain and prevent the gangs and day-to-day criminal elements from getting out of control. Regardless, fans will just have to wait and see what’s in store for the Red Hood as his series continues from Shawn Martinbrough and DC Comics.