Who The REAL Pokémon God Is

Who The REAL Pokémon God Is

There are many Legendary and Mythical creatures in the Pokémon series. While some are introduced through new regions, with a Legendary featured in each new game, others are introduced through movies for the animated series and later make their way into the games via special events. While the origins of every Pokémon species remain largely unknown, each Legendary seems to be tied into parts of each region’s history. However, there is one Pokémon considered the creator of all Pokémon, as well as the Pokémon world, and it could potentially be a god.

Fans of the Pokémon series may recognize Ho-oh or Mew as some of the most influential Pokémon in the series. They have helped shape the Pokémon world both in the games and the animated series. However, while Ho-oh does have a prominent role in the anime as a guide for Ash, and acts as the mascot for Pokémon Gold and HeartGold, it is not considered a god. Even Mew, who is sought after by many as a genetic miracle, doesn’t appear to have any special powers that allow it to shape the world or create life.

However, there is a Pokémon that has the power to change the very universe of the Pokémon world. Arceus, introduced in Diamond and Pearl, is a strange, otherworldly Mythical Pokémon. According to the Pokémon fan Wiki Bulbapedia, Arceus could have been the first Pokémon to ever exist. The legend of Arceus suggests that it created the Sinnoh region, if not the entire world. It also possesses extraordinary abilities, like being able to shape reality, or create or take away things that exist in the universe.

Legendary Pokémon Arceus Is Considered A God In The Pokémon World

Who The REAL Pokémon God Is

Arceus has the ability to create Legendary Pokémon as well. It is said that it designed Dialga, Palkia and Giratina, as well as Pokémon’s lake guardians Uxie, Azelf, and Mesprit. It can also recreate various Pokémon from either trio if one ever becomes unable to fulfill its duties to the Pokémon world. Because Arceus has the ability to create living things and alter the state of the world and reality, it surpasses the powers of any other Pokémon, making it more akin to a god than a powerful legendary beast.

Arceus can change types when holding special items called “Plates.” The Plates each represent different Pokémon types, with 16 Plates before Generation 6 and 17 after, when the Pokémon Fairy-type was added. When holding a Plate, Arceus’ signature move “Judgement” will change to that typing. Arceus’ appearance will also change color to highlight what type it is currently displaying. If players manage to capture Arceus in their copy of Diamond and Pearl, it is possible the may be battling opponents with the god of the Pokémon universe.