Who Killed Sara: 10 Stories That Can Happen In Season 2

Who Killed Sara: 10 Stories That Can Happen In Season 2

Who Killed Sara ended its explosive first season with more questions than answers. Of course, this is normal for a mystery series, and its upcoming season two will certainly keep delivering the same shocks that made season one so enticing.

The season finale set up some very evident stories for the future, like the body in Alex’s garden and Sara’s mental health struggles. However, the plot will obviously have more intrigue and scandal, especially after how eventful the first season was. And with so many characters to juggle, there are multiple stories the show can tackle in its next ten episodes, making for an even better sophomore season.

Sergio Will Become One Of Alex’s Targets

Who Killed Sara: 10 Stories That Can Happen In Season 2

Season one revealed Sergio, César’s right-hand man, is a despicable criminal. However, the true extent of his crimes remains a mystery, although the show does provide vague clues as to how evil this man really is. By the time season one ends, he’s already on Alex’s radar, but he’s not a priority yet.

Season two will find Alex actively pursuing Sergio. After all, he made a promise to his guardian in prison to avenge the death of the man’s daughter, and he intends to keep it. Alex will also want to help the women trapped in the Lazcano brothel, increasing his desire to bring Sergio down.

Nicandro Will Have More Prominence

Nicandro filming and hugging Sara in Who Killed Sara?

For most of season one, Nicandro remains a peripheral character. Despite being present during Sara’s accident, Nicandro isn’t a suspect. Rodolfo mentions to Alex that Nicandro died a couple of years before the series’ events, seemingly confirming his lack of importance in the plot.

However, Sara’s newly uncovered journal hints that her relationship with Nicandro might be more meaningful than anyone thinks. The hug the two share in the last episode of season one also suggests a bond between the two. And considering how wild this show is, it wouldn’t be a surprise if it turns out he’s still alive.

Bruno Will Uncover César’s Brothel

Split image with César and Bruno Lazcano in Who Killed Sara

Bruno’s plot in season one might seems somewhat unnecessary. He spends most of his time trying to uncover the truth about the Lazcano brothel, but being a kid, he lacks the nerve to do it. After her separation from Rodolfo, his mother is actively considering sending him to live with his father in the US.

Imara’s death will have a meaningful impact on Bruno and might even be the push he needs to confront César.  Because he’s still a kid, it’s unlikely his path will cross with Alex. Still, and considering how many shows like to have their teenage characters uncover deathly mysteries, it wouldn’t be surprising if Bruno ends up being the one to destroy the brothel.

Mariana’s Past With Elroy Will Come To Light

Mariana speaking to her children

Elroy’s troubled childhood is a big part of season one. Audiences get to see how he kills his parents as a child, only to end up in an orphanage. Mariana Lazcano then takes him as a worker in her house, and the two develop a strange, possibly sexual relationship.

The first season ends with Mariana seemingly killing Elroy. Even if the tortured man is indeed dead, season two must explore their complex relationship. Their dynamic is even more vital now that audiences know she came up with the parasail plan to kill Sara and ordered him to go through with it.

Clara’s Ex-Boyfriend Will Attack The Lazcanos

Clara smiling

In the second half of season one, Moncho, Clara’s violent and erratic ex-boyfriend, comes into the scene. He first shows up at her apartment, wanting to win her back. Once he discovers she’s living with Chema and Lorenzo, he shows up at the latter’s workspace and threatens him.

Moncho will surely be a minor antagonist in season two. He will follow up on his threats to Lorenzo and might even attack him and Chema. Moncho also reveals he has no problems with killing, and while he might be bluffing, he doesn’t seem like the type to speak empty words.

Chema And Lorenzo’s Relationship Will Deteriorate Further

Chema and Lorenzo talking at the Lazcano casino

And speaking of Clara, her presence can only cause more problems for Chema and Lorenzo. Despite her laid back and enthusiastic demeanor, Clara is more dangerous than she seems. Her intentions towards Chema and Lorenzo remain unclear, but she seems to be attracted to both and might even want to become part of their relationship.

Things will only get more complicated now that Clara’s carrying the couple’s child. The baby’s impending arrival will also provoke more distance between the two men, especially considering they disagree about the best way to raise their future child.

Rodolfo Will Find Love Again

Rodolfo holding a flask while outside Alex's house

After Alex, Rodolfo Lazcano is Who Killed Sara‘s most tortured and bitter character. Sara’s death caused him great pain, and the show establishes he hasn’t let go of his guilt. Rodolfo’s marriage to Sofia effectively ends once he discovers that not only did she cheat on him with his father, but the baby she carries is also César’s.

Rodolfo is still holding on to Sara’s memory but helping Alex uncover her murderer might give him the strength to move on. Season two could perhaps introduce a new love interest for him, and while he has a ton of issues he needs to deal with before entering a stable relationship, he’s still deserving of love.

Someone Will Uncover Diana The Huntress’s Identity

Marifer meets with Alex in Who Killed Sara?

One of season one’s recurring mysteries is the identity of Diana the Huntress, a hacker who provides vague hints to Alex. She stays one step ahead of Alex, proving herself as one of the brightest characters in the show. She also has considerable knowledge about the Lazcano family, most of which she’s still keeping to herself.

The last episode of season one revealed that Marifer, Sara’s friend from infancy, is the mysterious Diana. Season two’s trailer hints that she and Sara had a falling out before the latter’s death. Taking all this into consideration, not only will Marifer play a more prominent role in season two, but her alter ego will stay secret for not much longer.

Alex And Elisa Will Break Up

Alex and Elisa talk in his house

Alex and Elisa’s relationship stands on shaky grounds. After all, he’s trying to destroy her family and incarcerate her dad. She might say she’s okay with that, but blood is thicker than water.

Even if Elisa is indeed okay with his vendetta against her family, Alex is not the most honest or emotionally intelligent character. He still doesn’t trust her, and perhaps he’s right to keep some things from her. For her part, she also seems wary of the lengths he’s willing to go to get his revenge. Their relationship will eventually reach a breaking point, and considering the high stakes in play, that point might be in season two.

More Than One Person Killed Sara

Netflix - Who Killed Sara?

The identity of Sara’s killer is the mystery at the center of the show. Season one reveals that Mariana came up with the plan to cut the parasail’s ropes and sent Elroy to do it. However, he was seemingly unable to go through with it, adding another layer into the already convoluted mystery.

Season two will find Alex continuing his search for his sister’s killer. However, and considering how many bridges Sara burned in her short but impactful life, perhaps the show will take a page from Agatha Christie’s notebook and feature multiple killers. It may sound too farfetched, but in this show, anything can happen.