Who Is The Winner Of Survivor Season 45?

Who Is The Winner Of Survivor Season 45?

Survivor season 45 ended after a season of stunning strategic gameplay with just one of the players earning the title of Sole Survivor. With 18 castaways coming into the competition, it was a cut-throat season with brand-new advantages and twists coming into the game. The Survivor season 45 finale started with the final five castaways of the season, Austin Li Coon, Dee Valladares, Katurah Topps, Jake O’Kane, and Julie Alley were all prepared to do what it took to win the title of Sole Survivor and the $1 million grand prize. With the game on the line, the finalists competed for their lives throughout the finale.

Survivor has been a CBS reality TV competition staple since it first debuted in 2000. While the show has gone through its fair share of changes over the years, the principles of the game have always been the same. The castaways of Survivor season 45 must outwit, outplay, and outlast each other through the competition as they split into tribes and compete for power and prizes. With Survivor season 45 coming to a close, many were hopeful to see one of the strong women take home the prize as they battled fiercely against the two remaining men.

Who Is The Winner Of Survivor Season 45?


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Dee Valladares Is The Winner Of Survivor Season 45

In the final moments of Survivor season 45, first-generation Cuban American Dee took the win over her showmance, Austin. Dee and Austin had an interesting time during Survivor, as their showmance wasn’t always helpful to their strategic end goals. With different alliances, Dee and Austin tried to keep each other safe while refusing to jeopardize their own games, which sometimes meant they lied to one another. Dee won the votes of five of the jury members, getting support from Julie, Katurah, Emily Flippen, Kellie Nalbandian, and Kaleb Gebrewold. While Bruce Perreault, Drew Basile, and Kendra McQuarrie were happy with Dee’s win, they chose to vote for Austin.

The Final Three Included Austin Li Coon & Jake O’Kane

Survivor Season 45 Cast, posing on the beach

The final three castaways that the jury voted upon were Dee, Austin, and Jake. In the final episode of Survivor season 45, Julie was the first to be eliminated after Katurah chose to take her out over Austin. After Dee won immunity, she was given the opportunity to choose who she would bring to the final tribal council, and who she would send into a fire-making competition to compete for the final spot. Dee chose to bring Austin, leaving Katurah and Jake to win fire. Jake was able to overtake Katurah, which saw her eliminated as the last castaway to join the jury.

The finale of Survivor season 45 was capped off with an excellent win from one of the most interesting strategic players that’s been part of the game in years. After playing a cut-throat game with loyalty to only those she was closest to, Dee understood that allowing the drama to happen around her without participating in it was often the recipe for success. She won the game over Austin, who many felt was an incredibly strong player. Survivor season 45 has been one of the most fascinating seasons in years.