Who Is Godzilla X Kong’s Ice Titan? Shimo’s Monsterverse History & Future Explained

Who Is Godzilla X Kong’s Ice Titan? Shimo’s Monsterverse History & Future Explained

Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire unleashed a surprising new threat upon the Monsterverse via a creature known as Shimo. With the Monsterverse’s Skar King going up against the combined forces of Godzilla and Kong, it made sense for the upcoming Godzilla vs. Kong sequel to make the final fight a proper two-on-two matchup. By introducing Shimo, the Monsterverse was able to do just that, setting the stage for a heated final showdown in Godzilla x Kong’s ending.

Ahead of the release of the fifth, big-screen Monsterverse installment, Shimo was arguably the movie’s biggest mystery. Though her presence in the marketing was limited, it was apparent that Shimo would be central to the plot of Godzilla x Kong as an ally to Skar King. And while Shimo ultimately did stand revealed as a second opponent for Godzilla and Kong to fight, her role was hardly that of a clear-cut villain in the same vein as Skar King. As Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire revealed, Shimo’s place in the Monsterverse is much more complicated than it originally seemed.

Shimo Was Involved In The Monsterverse’s Ancient Titan War

Shimo was on Skar King’s side

Who Is Godzilla X Kong’s Ice Titan? Shimo’s Monsterverse History & Future Explained

The trip to the secret temple in the Hollow Earth world’s Subterranean Realm allowed for a much-needed Monsterverse history lesson, one that helped shed light on the histories of several Titans, Shimo included. As the movie revealed, Skar King led the Great Apes into a war against the surface which was opposed by Godzilla. In addition to the army of Great Apes Skar King had at his command, he had the help of what the Iwi in the temple called “the ancient Titan,” Shimo. According to them, Shimo’s powers are the reason for the last Ice Age.

Shimo caused the Ice Age at Skar King’s behest, as this was part of his plan to take over the surface. Though Skar King apparently had the odds on his side, Godzilla won the war regardless. Godzilla x Kong’s human characters learned in the movie that Godzilla imprisoned the Skar King and his allies in the fiery domain seen in Kong’s storyline. Shimo remained stuck there as well, as evidenced by the scene that formally introduced the monster. It appears that he’s lingered there in chains ever since Godzilla trapped the monsters in the Subterranean Realm.

Shimo’s Abilities & Power Level Explained

Shimo is one of the strongest Titans in the Monsterverse

Shimo towers over Kong in Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire

The reveal that Shimo can cause an Ice Age set a precedent for what she can accomplish in the Monsterverse. The idea that she’s powerful enough to essentially terraform the planet makes her comparable to Ghidorah, considering that he too nearly achieved the same feat, albeit in a different way. Both can single-handedly reshape the Earth’s climate, potentially dooming humanity. Whereas Ghidorah tried to pull this off by making storms with lightning powers, Shimo can generate ice with what Godzilla x Kong merchandise has designated as her “frost bite blast.To cause the Ice Age, Shimo directs it at the sky.

Her frost bite blast makes Shimo incredibly formidable, which was made apparent by how effective it was against both Godzilla and Kong. It did irreparable harm to Kong’s arm and instantly froze Godzilla. But while it is powerful, it’s an attack that can be overcome. Godzilla proved this by charging up and blasting through the ice. Whether this would have been possible without Godzilla’s pink Evolved form is unclear.

It’s worth noting that ice powers alone don’t define Shimo’s capabilities. As her size suggests, she also brings a lot of physical force to the table. She was strong enough to overpower Kong and land some hard blows on Godzilla. Based on what was shown in the movie, it’s likely that Shimo is at least close to Godzilla’s level. But while she may be weaker than him, she most certainly outclasses most Monsterverse Titans, including the MUTOs, Rodan, Mothra, and even Skar King himself.

How Skar King Was Controlling Shimo

Shimo had no free will

How much more powerful Godzilla and Kong were to Skar King makes it likely that Shimo would also beat the villain in a fair fight, but the ice Titan’s situation made that scenario an implausibility. Despite being superior to Skar King, Shimo had no choice but to do the Great Ape’s bidding. This was all due to the mysterious blue crystal Skar King had in his possession. The crystal, which was connected to Shimo, enabled Skar King to control her. Manipulating it seemed to inflict pain on Shimo.

A Closeup of King Kong's Glaring Eyes in Godzilla X Kong The New Empire


Godzilla x Kong Box Office Has Already Broken 1 Monsterverse Franchise Record

The Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire box office breaks a record for the Monsterverse franchise, which now includes five movies, in just one day.

Over the course of the action, Kong came to understand the crystal’s significance. How much control over Shimo it granted Skar King was on display when Kong destroyed it with the axe. Shimo responding by using his frost bite blast on Skar King confirmed that everything he was doing was a result of Skar King imposing his will on him with the crystal. This goes to show that regardless of the harm Shimo caused in the past, the Titan is actaully a tragic figure in the Monsterverse. Skar King stripped Shimo of her free will, meaning she was never really a true villain.

Godzilla X Kong Set Up Shimo As A Future Ally To Kong

Are Shimo and Kong permanent allies now?

Shimo in Godzilla x Kong

Because Shimo was forced into villainy by Skar King, there’s a chance she’ll be on the side of the heroic Monsterverse Titans if and when she returns to the Monsterverse. Godzilla x Kong hinted at this being a possible future for Shimo through its ending. Similar to how Skar King rode Shimo into battle, Kong was shown on Shimo’s back in the movie’s final minutes. The difference between the two relationships, of course, is that Kong doesn’t need to control Shimo. The fact that’s she joining Kong in his Hollow Earth home is a sign that she’ll be his ally from now on.

Shimo fulfiling this role in the Monsterverse’s future when considering that it was Kong who freed her from the Skar King’s influence. It could be that this move earned Kong her loyalty. This is huge for Kong, especially since Shimo is strong enough to be a rival to Godzilla in her own right. When paired together, there may not be a single Titan in the Monsterverse – including Godzilla – that could beat them.

As for when a team-up between Kong and Shimo could happen in the Monsterverse, the most obvious path for that would be a potential Godzilla vs. Kong 3. If Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire is a success, the series could continue with another sequel. In that scenario, the Monsterverse could use all the surviving Titans from the movie’s ending to launch its biggest team-up in franchise history. Alongside Kong, Godzilla, and possibly Mothra as well, Shimo could take part in the next battle that threatens the Monsterverse.

Godzilla x Kong- The New Empire Poster

Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire

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After nearly destroying each other in 2020’s Godzilla vs. Kong, the giant Titans are back to face a new dangerous threat, but this time, they are on the same side. Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire is the fifth film in Warner Bros.’ growing Monsterverse franchise and will be directed by Adam Wingard.


Adam Wingard

Release Date

March 29, 2024


Legendary Pictures


Warner Bros. Pictures


Terry Rossio
, Simon Barrett
, Jeremy Slater


Dan Stevens
, Rebecca Hall
, Brian Tyree Henry
, Kaylee Hottle
, Fala Chen