Who Is Arno Stark? Iron Man’s Main Continuity Brother Explained

Who Is Arno Stark? Iron Man’s Main Continuity Brother Explained

Iron Man’s brother, Arno Stark aka Iron Man 2020, is a man of science, innovation, and dangerous ambition. Tony Stark had a difficult relationship with his parents, Maria and Howard Stark, who kept many secrets from him. Their biggest secret is the story of their firstborn child, Arno, who was created thanks to an alien robot and then hidden from Tony and the world until adulthood.

Arno Stark’s birth was more extraterrestrial than most others. In 2013’s Iron Man #12 by Kieron Gillen and Dale Eaglesham, Maria and Howard Stark’s unborn son, Arno, is dying, and so the Starks cut a deal with the alien robot Recorder 451 to save his life. Recorder 451 wants to have the baby represent the best of humanity by genetically modifying his brain in the womb, but the process fails to cure Arno’s lung issues.

Who Is Arno Stark? Iron Man’s Main Continuity Brother Explained

After he is born, Arno is quarantined and shut out from the world until Howard Stark can find a cure for his breathing. However, this tragedy eventually leads to the Starks adopting a new son in Arno’s place: Tony.

iron man secret origin of tony stark


Iron Man’s Biggest Twist Ever Just Got Even Darker

Howard Stark always meant for Tony to know that he was adopted, leaving a recorded message that Iron Man never discovered, and has now been destroyed.

Tony Stark Brings His Brother Arno Back To The World

Tony Stark Revives His Brother

After Howard and Maria die in a car accident, the adopted Tony Stark lives the life Arno could only dream of. During the events of 2013’s Iron Man #12-17, by Kieron Gillen and Carlo Pagulayan, Iron Man discovers his family’s biggest secret involving his adoption and the existence of his parents’ biological son. Tony frees Arno from his hospital ward and vows to work to improve the world with his brother. Soon, Arno is given an Iron Man suit by his brother as a sign of trust. However, there is something darker beneath the surface when it comes to Arno Stark.

With his enhanced intelligence, Arno learns all he can to surpass his brother’s accomplishments. He experiments on his mind to remove his need to sleep, rewrites his DNA, and travels the world to build trust through charity. After working with Tony’s enemies to steal resources from Stark Unlimited, Arno prepares to fight an evil AI known as the Extinction Entity, who is coming to destroy the world. Arno then salvages the remains of Tony’s greatest Iron Man armor, the Godbuster, and builds his own suit to protect himself. However, this evil AI is all in the imagination of Arno, who is unaware of his deteriorating health.

Arno Stark: The New Iron Man 2020

Iron Man 2020 Arno Stark Armor

Armed with his own Iron Man suit and ready to take over his brother’s life, Arno Stark begins his master plan to “save humanity” from AI. In Tony Stark: Iron Man #19 by Dan Slott, Christos N. Gage, and Francesco Manna, Arno makes Tony believe that he is a robot clone of Tony Stark, to give Arno full control of Stark Unlimited. After Tony signs his life and company away, Arno becomes the true Iron Man and the owner of all Stark resources. Arno’s delusional plan is to assimilate humanity with robotic life through a mind control code, while also recreating his parents as cloned robots.

Iron Man Arno Stark

Luckily, Tony comes to his senses and sees through Arno’s lies. Tony learns the truth behind the fake Extinction Entity and Arno’s failing health, but he won’t allow his brother to suffer any longer. Though he has a brilliant mind and good intentions, Arno just wants freedom and a life with a family he barely knew. In Iron Man 2020 #6 by Dan Slott, Christos N. Gage, and Pete Woods, before Arno can enslave humanity, Tony decides to lock his sick brother in a Virtual Armor Iron Man suit. While encased inside the suit, Arno lives in a peaceful simulation with engrams of Howard and Maria Stark, while Tony works on a cure for his brother. If Iron Man is successful in this mission, then one day, Arno Stark could find a way back to reality, healthy and happy again.