Which The King’s Man Character Are You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

Which The King’s Man Character Are You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

The King’s Man focuses on the origin of the secret intelligence agency run across the Kingsman tailor shop in London that emerged in the midst of World War I. From the fine-tailored Englishmen to the fanatical monk, the movie spirals across one man’s fight against the worst tyrants in history to protect millions.

The film balances historical references to the fictional ensemble created, teasing an action-packed, brilliantly executed featurette. Played by Ralph Fiennes, The Duke of Oxford plays a pivotal role in the agency’s founding. The characters introduced in the movie are brilliantly coalescent of historical figures and fictional, with each having their personality bringing in a complete array of dynamics on screen.

Aries: The Shepherd

Which The King’s Man Character Are You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

The first on the list is Aries, bold and ambitious. Their hot-headed personality usually makes them seem boisterous. But despite the aggressiveness, the fiery signs are courageous and determined, so is ‘The Shepherd.’ Aries are said to be impulsive hence leaping into action before thinking first.

The Shepherd shows similar traits by jumping the guns always; even though he hid in the shadows, he couldn’t care less about the people he sent to complete the mission for him. Aries’ determination at times is so strong that they would do anything to get what they want, as did The Shepherd, even if it meant using cheap gimmicks to trick people like his hidden weaponry in his sword.

Taurus: Orlando Oxford/ The Duke Of Oxford

The King's Man Orlando Oxford Parachute

Being the first earth sign, Taurus is practical and reliable. They make the best out of the situation and are exceptionally patient even in dire times. Orlando exhibits Taurean energy throughout the movie, especially during his son’s death and the last fight against The Shepherd.

He remains calm and grounded even during his meeting with Rasputin and seems practical about the situation. A true Englishman and an aristocrat, the Duke of Oxford, is often seen advising his son about the world’s brutality, displaying the bull’s energy and wisdom. However, similar to Taurus’s energy, he is also stubborn and possessive about Connor and his wishes to serve the country.

Gemini: Erik Jan Hanussen

Erik Jan Hanussen looking serious in The King's Man

Symbolized by the twins, Gemini’s duality is often seen as two-faced. They are known to be extremely curious and manipulative. Erik Jan Hanussen was briefly introduced as a member of the shadow organization and used his charisma to manipulate Kaiser’s decision.

His brilliant tactics almost lead to an enormous war among the three countries. Gemini has an outgoing and socially active vibe; if they aren’t busy getting to know people, they will probably learn new hobbies or explore something new. Erik’s communication with the Shepherd showed him as a no-nonsensical, extroverted man. The film’s ending also teases the introduction of Adolf Hitler, again introduced by the social-manipulative bird, Erik Jan Hanussen.

Cancer: Conrad Oxford

Harris Dickinson as Conrad Oxford in The King's Man

One of the most sensitive signs, Cancer tends to be introverted and reserved. Due to their shyness, they may seem brittle on the outside. Cancerians are possessive and overprotective about the people and things they love. They are natural nurtures and put others before their needs, sometimes getting into uncomfortable situations for others.

Conrad was brave and diligent, yet his true determination was to protect his country no matter the consequences. He showed an ardent desire to serve his country for others’ good. Conrad’s display of protectiveness during the fight between Rasputin and his father, Orlando, mirrored Cancerian energy. Also, his decision to protect a fellow spy by risking his own life showed compassion and selflessness, all the traits of a Cancerian.

Leo: Rasputin

Rasputin at a party in The Kings man

Known for their infamous dramatic, passionate, and fiery personality, the second fire sign Leos symbolizes power and a vicious persona. Leos loves to be the center of attention to bask under the spotlight.

Commonly known for their charisma and unprecedented will to be the best, Leo’s savage nature makes them aggressive and determined. From his introduction, Rasputin owns the scene. His presence is felt through and through while his deranged behaviors leave people scared and in awe. Like most Leos, he basks in his glory and powers among the crowd, making him all the more egotistical and proud. His fiery personality makes him an extremely dangerous and formidable foe.

Virgo: Shola

Shola smiling in The King's Man

Virgos are perfectionists. Meticulous to details, hardworking and practical all add to the characteristics of the goddess. Virgo’s are artistic and loyal in terms of work or relations. They are systematic and committed; this causes problems for them at times.

Shola might not be outspoken, but he remains dedicated to the Duke until the end. He assists the Duke and Polly in the mission and is willing to sacrifice himself for others. Shola became one of the founding members alongside Polly and others and earned his title, “Merlin.” His loyalty, dedication, hard work, and willingness to learn something new make him a Virgo.

Libra: Polly Wilkins

Polly meets with Shola and Orlando in The King's Man

The most level-headed zodiac sign Librains look for balance and harmony. Ruled under Venus, Librans crave rationalism and practicality. These signs are natural lovers who tend to fixate on equilibrium.

Polly, initially a housekeeper, later joins Orlando in his missions and becomes one of the founding members. Her knack for practicality and intelligence proves her as a fierce and conniving opponent. Like fellow cardinal air signs, she is diplomatic and fair-minded. Her dedication to Orlando and getting things right surely puts her Libran energy on the frontline, yet her cold and fierce demeanor resonate with Libran’s ability to be pragmatic.

Scorpio: Mata Hari

Mata Hari attends a secretive meeting in The King's Man

Due to their incredible passion, Scorpios might seem like fire signs, but they have a water sign’s ingenious perspective towards life. Scorpios, like their symbol, are calculative and manipulative; they wait for the perfect moment to strike.

Mata Hari, one of the trusted subordinates and a member of the shadow organization, becomes a formidable foe in the battle. She seduces the US president and later manipulates and blackmails him in keeping the country out of war. Her power of seduction and manipulation are significant traits of a Scorpio. Scorpions are go-getters no matter the work it takes or the consequences that need to be faced. Despite being a mere trustee, she is incredibly good at getting what she wants.

Sagittarius: Herbert Kitchener

Herbert Kitchener stands in a briefing room in The King's Man

The idealists of the zodiac, Sagittarius, are mutable signs that can adapt and reflect unlike any other. These signs, however, do tend to chew more than they can, as seen in Kitchener’s case.

Kitchener was the Secretary of State War and an extremely close friend to Orlando. Despite his higher status, he is rarely seen in any fights and is usually orchestrating the plans and attacks behind the scenes. Sagittarians come off as intellectual and crave knowledge; they go up and above to gain truth and carry their honesty bluntly. But unfortunately, the weakness lies in their undiplomatic personality and impatience for a Sagittarian, true with Kitchener too, which ultimately leads to his downfall.

Capricorn: Archie Reid

The last earth sign is said to be relentlessly determined. Capricorns are known to be responsible, disciplined, and have good manners.

Archie’s blatant personality inspires Capricorn’s energy through and through. He showed innate dedication in serving his country, and without any questions asked, he followed Connor’s commands and took his place without disrespecting others. His determination and pure personality make him a part of the original team in the agency.

Aquarius: King George

An image of the Ruling cousins in The King's Man

Similar to the offbeat sign, King George embodies Aquarius’ center. Aquarians are infamous for their aloof and free-spirited personalities, likely shown by King George.

The ruling cousins who were rhetorical to historical figures showcased a timid and distant from empathy. King George portrayed temperamental qualities despite being in control of an entire country. Many hidden details in the movie show King George as uncompromising of the situation common for an Aquarian.

Pisces: Emily Oxford

Emily Oxford marked her presence briefly at the beginning of the movie. Her death marked the lives of the Oxfords and their futures. As the last sign, Pisces is considered the most emotionally mature and kindest of them all.

Pisces are gentle, peaceful, and compassionate, ruled by their emotions. Emily put her family first and always dedicated herself in service to others. Even in her last scene with Connor, she tells him to be compassionate and caring. Her character exuberates Piscean’s energy of being gentle and empathetic to others as well.