Which Scrubs Character Are You, Based On Your Zodiac?

Which Scrubs Character Are You, Based On Your Zodiac?

Perhaps the best medical show that you can stream today – definitely the funniest and most accurate – Scrubs is a show that is beloved by its fans alongside its large success. Perhaps the most significant factor in these gauges of the popularity of the show is the cast of fantastic characters.

The various main, supporting, and side characters throughout the show all have their distinct personalities and quirks, and so it is easy to pair them up with the signs of the zodiac. Here we look at which Scrubs character you are, based on what your zodiac sign is.

Aries: Jordan Sullivan

Which Scrubs Character Are You, Based On Your Zodiac?

Engaged in a hate-hate romantic relationship with Dr. Cox, Jordan Sullivan is an intensely scary and great supporting character in the show.

Aggressive and short-tempered, as well as confident, very intense, and full of fire, if you are an Aries, you definitely matchup with Jordan, especially if you fall on the scarier side.

Taurus: Laverne Roberts

Carla and Laverne smiling on Scrubs

Ultra-religious gossip Laverne Roberts was a good friend and supporting member of the cast as part of the nursing staff who had a pretty sad sendoff in the show.

Laverne is a nurse, an experienced one at that, so she does her work, but she also plays just as hard as she works, valuing only Jesus above comfort and her stories. On top of that, Laverne’s stubborn nature and reliability make her a Taureans equal.

Gemini: Carla Espinosa

Carla talks to Elliot in Scrubs

Fiery Carla fits with a few different signs, and if you are a fire sign, you probably expect to see yourself matched up with Carla, but alas, she is a Gemini.

She fits the dual-personality perfectly, you could get fun-loving, happy Carla, or you could get bossy, fiery, taking none of your nonsense Carla. Adaptable and affectionate, Carla and Gemini go hand-in-hand.

Cancer: Elliot Reid

Elliot Reid is a character who goes through quite a lot of change throughout Scrubs in terms of her personality, and unfortunately, represents every negative trait of a Cancer.

Extremely emotional and insecure, Elliot pretty much crumbles at anything that goes wrong in her life for a long time in the show. She is loyal to her friends and caring, but can also be supremely manipulative – look at her relationship with Keith – and unbelievably moody, textbook bad Cancer.

Leo: Chris Turk


The best friend of J.D. and one of the show’s main characters, Turk, is undoubtedly a fire sign, not intense enough to be Aries, not fitting a Sagittarius, and perfectly pairing with a Leo.

What pairs the two so well together is Turk’s big-heartedness, he is passionate and confident, but also kind and caring. Turk can be lazy and self-centered, but also very happy, and determined to achieve everything he wants too, something he does often.

Virgo: Denise Mahoney

The med-school season of Scrubs may not be looked on fondly, but one of the better characters in it was the one who appeared before it began, the cold-hearted Denise Mahoney.

Denise is no-nonsense, taking nothing from anyone, nor does she have any intention of getting friendly or playful. She is overly critical of everyone, including herself, and is an analytical individual who fits well with the Virgo sign.

Libra: Ted Buckland

Ted speaks with Turk and J.D. in his office in Scrubs

Resident lawyer and sadsack of Sacred Heart – as proclaimed by just about everyone – Ted Buckland cannot catch a break. But if you are a Libra, you are most like Ted out of the Scrubs characters.

Of all the sings, Libra is the least confrontational typically, as well as the one with the most self-pity, pretty much summing up Ted. If you want to look at a more positive outlook, Libras are social and love beauty, kind of like Todd.

Scorpio: Bob Kelso

It is quite the stereotype that Scorpios are most associated with bad guys, but in the case of Bob Kelso, it is pretty justified, and he really deep down is not the worst person.

Kelso is stubborn and cunning, but also misunderstood sometimes in that he needs to make hard decisions for the sake of the hospital but is just seen as a mean person, as was the source of a few storylines in the show. Bob and Scorpios are true leaders.

Sagittarius: Molly Clock

Molly Clock was a short-term character in the show who played the potential love interest to J.D. who was a bit spacey and free-spirited.

It is hard to find a true Sagittarius amongst the Scrubs cast of characters. However, Molly is a curious individual who is optimistic and enthusiastic, and values freedom to the point where she and Sagittarians match up better than anyone else on Scrubs.

Capricorn: Perry Cox

Dr. Cox is another character who could fall into a fire sign based purely on his self-absorbed, passionate nature alone. However, there is no true Capricorn like Cox in Scrubs.

A total workaholic who would never openly admit to being so, Cox is condescending, responsible, realistic, and immeasurably hardworking, he is the typical Capricorn, with a dash of narcissistic flair.

Aquarius: The Janitor

Scrubs' janitor

The Janitor is a very odd character, both in the fact that he is extremely weird – and hilarious – and that he is a hard one to compare to a zodiac sign. But, out of everyone, if you are an Aquarius, you are the Janitor.

His eccentricity is what makes him so like Aquarians. While he is not massively intelligent in a typical way, he does have a unique outlook on the world, is very independent, and has a mean streak, just like the Aquarius.

Pisces: J.D

Last but certainly not least on the list is J.D. and the Pisces. J.D. is a character who displays traits of other signs, but who else are you if you are a Pisces who enjoys Scrubs if not J.D.?

Lost in his own mind, a dreamer, a compassionate and sensitive guy with a bit of a victim complex, J.D. displays all the stereotypical traits of a Pisces, both positive and negative.