Which Oz Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac?

Which Oz Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac?

Before there was The Wire or Game Of Thrones, HBO brought us Oz, a chilling and insightful prison drama in which nothing good ever happens. It’s violent, brutally honest, and incredibly well-written. Oz partially owes its stellar reputation to the outstanding cast. Their portrayals of psychologically twisted and complex characters are some of the best in the world of television.

Oz tackles several social issues, such as racism, sexual abuse, and most importantly, the woefully rigged justice system. Characters belong to all kinds of groups and differ based on race, religion, and background. For each major character, there is a zodiac sign that describes their personality best.

Aries: Kareem Said

Which Oz Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac?

Kareem Said ended up in prison because of arson in the second degree. Upon arrival, he quickly establishes himself as the leader of the Muslim group. He has strong convictions and tends to be contradictory from time to time.

An arsonist could only be a fire sign native: Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet of action and aggression. Natural leaders, Aries natives are charismatic and energetic: just like Kareem.

Taurus: Augustus Hill

Introduced as the show’s narrator, Augustus Hill’s monologues offer profound insight into his personality. On the outside, he comes across as pretty kind, peaceful, and stable. He avoids drama and gangs the best he can but is sometimes sucked into it anyway.

Taurus natives possess rich inner worlds, yet think twice before letting others in on their thoughts. They are peaceful and grounded creatures, but it’s best not to cross them. Unlike fire and water signs, they can’t stomach drama and psychological wars.

Gemini: Ryan O’Reily

Ryan O’Riley is a full-blown sociopath. As he is one of the most intelligent inmates and a master manipulator, he highly resembles a Gemini. He has a brother, Cyril, who he feels very protective of. Even though they are detached by nature, Geminis need their friends and family to function.

At some point, Ryan talks his brain-damaged brother into killing someone for him. It’s only appropriate that this messed up tale of two brothers represents the astrological Twins.

Cancer: Tim McManus

A closeup of Tim on Oz

Tim McManus is the kind of guy who wants to better the world and actually wishes to help the prison’s inmates, even though he often gets mocked for it. He is an idealist who wants to rehabilitate violent men into law-abiding citizens.

Unlike most other staff members, Tim sees humanity in every single criminal. He often shows his sensitive side and comes across as one of the emotionally most mature characters, which makes him a Cancer.

Leo: Vern Schillinger

Vernon Schillinger is a star among inmates: everybody knows him and fears being on his radar. A passionate racist and a sexual sadist, he runs his very own group of white supremacists. Similar to Aries, Leo natives are also natural leaders and they lead with their egos.

They love power and attention more than any other zodiac sign. Vern has the biggest ego of them all. Behind his bullying and torturing hides an insecure man. Similarly, Leos overcompensate their insecurities by being loud.

Virgo:  Sister Peter Marie Reimondo

Virgo natives live to help others and they do so immaculately. They are dedicated and analytical, just like Sister Peter Marie Reimondo. She is a nun who serves as the prison’s drug counselor and psychologist. Similar to Tim McManus, she wants to help inmates become better men.

She had a tragic life. Her husband was murdered by one of the inmates, yet keeps her poise and grace throughout the series. Virgos are earth signs, which means they are reserved, realistic, and practical.

Libra: Poet

Poet is one of the most neutral characters in the series, which makes him a Libra. Libra natives are all about harmony, peace and balance. They are indecisive and avoid taking sides in conflicts.

Poet lacks agency and his own will: he relies on his fellow gang members to solve any ongoing problems. However, he remains an important member of his community because he is good at diplomacy and talking.

Scorpio: Bob Rebadow

Sentenced to death only to be saved by an utter coincidence, Bob Rebadow gets a second chance at life. Since Scorpio is the sign of death and rebirth, Bob’s transformation makes him a Scorpio native. He also became clairvoyant after his near-death experience but is disregarded as insane.

He ended up in prison because he killed his business partner out of sheer anger after he mocked him. Scorpios can have a short temper and anger issues, so they are completely capable of crimes of passion.

Sagittarius: Zahir Arif

Sagittarius natives are often reduced to a party-loving adventurer, but Sags are actually one of the most philosophical signs out there. Shortly upon arrival in prison, Zahir Arif undergoes a spiritual transformation and thus becomes one of the most peaceful inmates in the entire series.

He is also presented with an opportunity to lead the group of Muslim inmates, but it turns out he is not that good at it. Sagittarius natives are smart and charismatic, but would rather take the back seat when it comes to questions of power and control.

Capricorn: Leo Glynn

Just like typical Capricorns, Leo Glynn is a traditional, conservative, and organized warden. He is the embodiment of law and order, a restrictive parent, which are themes that are in line with the tenth sign of the zodiac and its ruling planet Saturn. Even though he can be harsh, he is rarely tyrannical towards inmates.

Another thing that makes Leo Glynn a Capricorn is that he is also very ambitious. He hopes to one day become the state’s first African-American Governor.

Aquarius: Dr. Gloria Nathan

Working as a doctor, it’s probably not easy for Gloria Nathan to always keep her emotions in check while working, but she manages to do just that. In conflict, she is level-headed, sharp, and assertive. She also treats inmates with dignity and advocates for their rights, regardless of their crimes.

She has a complex relationship with Ryan O’Reily. He even plots to murder her husband, since he develops feelings for her. Their interactions are scary and aggressive, but she is not discouraged. Aquarians are intelligent, talkative, and perceptive. They know better than to act on their emotions, just like Gloria.

Pisces: Tobias Beecher

Tobias Beecher is your typical middle-class man who is also an alcoholic. When he first comes to prison, he is shy, sensitive, and frightened. He is an easy target for Vern, but Tobias eventually learns to stand up for himself.

Tobias’s transformation is the main arc of the series. Pisces, too, can come across as helpless victims and pushovers. They shouldn’t be underestimated, though.