Which Merlin Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

Which Merlin Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

Merlin features a thorough cast of characters, all of whom have their distinct personality traits and flaws, which match up to a respective Zodiac sign. While the show doesn’t give definitive birthdays or astrological information for its characters, some fans may be able to guess just based on the characters’ personalities.

From Arthur’s embodiment of a Leo to how Morgana shows the more negative traits for Aries, these Merlin characters are well and truly related to these star signs for better or worse.

Aries — Morgana

Which Merlin Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

Morgana is the perfect representation of Aries, exhibiting both positive and negative traits of the zodiac sign. Before she turned against Camelot, she was passionate about helping people, standing up to Uther and Arthur both to show what she believed was right. As she began to turn, her short temper guided her actions, leading her to attack Camelot on multiple occasions.

Like Morgana, Aries fans are courageous and determined, always putting their all into the things they care about. But those who hurt them should be worried because they can respond aggressively to perceived slights against them, turning from their strongest defender to their greatest enemy.

Taurus — Leon

Leon wearing his camelot cloak and looking into the camera in Merlin

Leon is the longest-running knight viewers see in Merlin, because he is incredibly stable and capable, always doing his duty to the best of his ability.

Taurus fans are known amongst their friend groups as the responsible ones, often taking on mom or dad friend positions. While they may be uncompromising at times, it is because they have such a grounded sense of right and wrong that they aren’t willing to easily abandon.

Gemini — Gwaine

Gwaine smiling in Merlin

Gwaine’s curiosity makes it so he’s always getting into trouble, but his adaptability and quick thinking make it so he can always manage to find a way out of it as well. Wherever there is a party, viewers can expect to find Gwaine at the center of it. While his penchant for getting in trouble makes him less reliable than other knights, it also makes him one of the show’s most enjoyable characters.

Like Gwaine, Gemini fans are the life of the party. They may seem changeable, but that is usually because their natural curiosity leads them down many different roads. They are persuasive and social, which makes them good at making friends and swaying them to enjoy life as much as they do.

Cancer — The Great Dragon

Kilgharrah the Great Dragon speaks to Merlin in the caves below Camelot

The Great Dragon is moody and suspicious of those who threaten Albion, but he is also loyal to Merlin. He is sensitive to Merlin’s needs, even when he is being cryptic, and is always honored to help Merlin thanks to the close relationship they build throughout the show.

Cancer fans tend to be emotional, which leads them to be both pessimistic about their enemies and tenacious in the pursuit of their goals. They tend to function as caregivers or mentors for their friends and families and will be some of the most loyal companions you could ever hope for.

Leo — Arthur

Arrogant, but warm-hearted. Passionate in defense of what they care about, but occasionally self-centered. These traits define Arthur to a T. Arthur will defend Camelot with his life and fights with the same ferocity for his friends.

Leo fans are natural leaders and often find themselves in situations where they seem to be the main character. They are strong, creative, and devoted to the things they are passionate about. But occasionally they do need a little nudge to look outside themselves, which is why it is so important for them to have good, honest friendships.

Virgo — Gaius

An image of Gaius looking serious in Merlin

Virgos are known to be hardworking and analytical, and there is no other choice for that role than Gaius. Gaius is kind and giving, always wanting to help and using his knowledge to do so.

Virgo fans approach life with a practical focus, looking for what can be fixed and how to do it in every situation. However, they may need occasional reminders that they can afford to play every once in a while. Overall, they are supportive and deliberate in their actions, and above all, kind.

Libra — Lancelot

Santiago Cabrera's Lancelot in Merlin

Lancelot is ruled by two overpowering needs: love and honor. Despite his low birth, Lancelot wanted to become a knight and devoted himself to the traits that required. He works well with his fellow knights, is gracious and polite, and tries to be fair in all things. His fatal flaw is his love, which often overpowers his duty. Libras need relationships to thrive, and Lancelot needed Gwen.

Like Lancelot, Libra fans thrive around others, be they brothers at arms or soulmates. They are diplomatic and honorable, creating a world around them that follows their values. While they may be indecisive over which things to value highest, once they make a decision, they will actively pursue it at all costs.

Scorpio — Percival

Percival wearing his Camelot cloak and posing

Percival is a true friend and a powerful knight, always ready to go into a fight to defend his friends and his values. He quickly became a part of the group, forming strong, close bonds with his fellow knights.

Scorpio fans tend to be resourceful and brave, like Percival, and they frequently defend what matters to them. They tend to think several steps ahead, making sure they always are prepared to parry the next blow. While they may come across as violent, their strength is always used in defense, rather than as a needless attack.

Saggitarius — Elyan

Elyan wearing his Camelot cloak and looking into the camera

Elyan may be the queen’s brother, but that is not the sole reason he became a knight of the round table. Like Gwen, Elyan can be idealistic in his hopes for Camelot’s future, which makes him kind and generous when approaching the kingdom’s people.

Like Elyan, Saggitarius fans are kind and giving and tend to have a strong sense of humor. They may occasionally promise more than they can follow through on, but it’s always because they are pursuing their ideal world.

Capricorn: Mordred

Mordred standing on the steps of the castle with the other knights in Merlin

Capricorns are resilient and ambitious, two traits a druid would need to find themselves a knight of Camelot. Mordred was instinctively loyal to Arthur and the vows he made as a knight. However, when pushed beyond his limit, he became unforgiving, telling Morgana the truth about Merlin and dealing Arthur a killing blow.

Capricorn fans may tend to expect the worst, but they are always able to survive hardships and keep pushing forward, using their disciplined nature to find a new, better path in life. While Capricorns will hopefully not all find themselves in a position to take down an empire, they will have tricky situations in life, where they will need to know when to be loyal and when to cut their losses.

Aquarius: Gwen

Close up of Gwen in Merlin

Aquarius individuals are defined by their desire to help people and their idealism. Gwen is a perfect representation of this, as a servant who became queen and who wants to always do what’s best for the common people. Since she came from the lower classes, she can see their struggles and will always use her power to help solve them.

Fellow Aquarians may find themselves temperamental and distant, but that’s only because they’re afraid that nobody will live up to their expectations. When they find the right person, it’s bound to be a love story that stands the test of time. Aquarius fans may feel like they are too separated from the people they love, but they are always moving toward a brighter future, and people like that can always find the right people to help them get there.

Pisces: Merlin

merlin magic eyes

Astrologically speaking, Pisces learns the lessons of every sign that came before them, responding to others’ needs and pasts intuitively. This is exactly the nature of Merlin, who is always on the lookout for how to respond to his friends’ needs and how to learn the lessons they got wrong. However, these traits often lead Merlin to be fearful and uncertain of decisions concerning who to trust.

Pisces fans are wise by nature, understanding the way of things quickly and adapting to the circumstances around them. They are often masterful in whatever art they practice but can lose themselves in their devotion to getting their art right. They may need to be reminded to be less self-sacrificing, or they will find themselves frequently the martyr to others’ needs.